Alcohol has short and long term effects on the body, with excessive drinking being a sign of alcoholism. Long-term effects include organ damage and withdrawal symptoms. Studies on light to moderate alcohol consumption are unclear. Alcohol lowers blood sugar and has depressive effects on the central nervous system. Drinking on an empty stomach increases its effects.
Alcohol has short and long term effects on the body. The effects of alcohol depend on the amount of alcoholic beverage consumed and whether the consumption is light, moderate, or heavy. Excessive drinking can be a sign of alcoholism, which is addiction or dependence on alcohol.
The long-term effects of alcohol abuse are often severe; If an alcoholic stops drinking, it doesn’t take long for withdrawal symptoms, such as severe tremors. Alcohol dependence is not only the psychological desire to drink, but is also physical in nature. The effects of drinking alcohol over a long period of time include fatigue and trouble sleeping. Excessive alcohol consumption can also cause organ damage, especially the liver.
Studies on the long-term effects of light to moderate alcohol consumption are less clear cut. For example, many studies have shown that drinking a glass of red wine a day benefits the heart, while other studies show that women who drink an alcoholic beverage a day may have an increased risk of breast cancer. Basically, the effects are poisonous to varying degrees that are difficult to determine exactly. For example, the reason many people who drink a large amount of alcohol experience intoxication, as well as become sick to the point of vomiting, is due to the short-term effects of alcohol poisoning. The inconsistent behavior and vomiting that some people find a funny side effect of drinking too much are actually serious signs of intoxication.
Blurred vision and a slow response to stimuli are common effects of alcohol that can occur with even light to moderate alcohol consumption. Alcohol lowers blood sugar, so diabetics should use caution if they consume alcoholic beverages. The effects of alcohol on the central nervous system are depressive. Blood alcohol content is the short-term measurement of the effects of drinking on the bloodstream. When drinking and driving are suspected, a breathalyzer test is performed to determine the driver’s blood alcohol content and whether it exceeds the legal limit.
The amount of alcohol a person can drink without experiencing any short-term effects depends on factors such as body weight and the amount of food in the stomach. Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach increases its effects. Having a glass of wine with dinner is very different from consuming large amounts of alcohol to get intoxicated. Drinking to the point of intoxication, as well as regularly to escape problems, are signs that the effects of alcohol are leading to abuse or dependence.