Plastic grocery bags have negative environmental impacts and alternatives such as paper, biodegradable plastic, and canvas bags are readily available. Paper bags are making a comeback and biodegradable plastic can be made from renewable sources like corn. Some communities have passed laws requiring the use of alternative bags.
Alternatives to plastic grocery bags are varied and readily available in a number of different shapes. Some are probably in your local grocery store now. Others are considered community groups, and even governments across the country are looking into the possibility that alternatives might be not only better for the environment, but less damaging to the community’s image.
The criticisms of plastic grocery bags are numerous, but there are two main points that are repeatedly mentioned. One, they have a long lifespan and tend to flutter around, getting caught up in trees and fence lines and becoming an eyesore. Two, they are made from petroleum products and therefore deplete more natural resources and, in some cases, make countries more dependent on foreign sources of oil. These criticisms have prompted some to look for alternatives to plastic grocery bags.
While some of the arguments may seem valid, it’s important to clear up a popular misconception about plastic grocery bags. The vast majority of plastic grocery bags are not petroleum-based; they are made of natural gas. Therefore, while the production of these bags may still use a natural resource, it is a different type of natural resource than what most people might think.
Three decades ago, plastic bags were thought to be the answer to the first major grocery bag concern: paper bags. Paper bags, it was argued, led to deforestation and thus severely damaged the environment. Many have been told, if given the choice between paper and plastic, choose plastic.
Now times have changed. Paper bags, once again, seem to be making a comeback as one of the alternatives to plastic grocery bags. Paper biodegrades much faster than plastic and is not as bad for the environment when it breaks down into smaller particles. Also, because most paper bags come from tree farms, not naturally growing forests, there’s a shift in attitudes about how harmful paper is.
Another oft-cited alternative to plastic grocery bags is a different type of plastic bag. Instead of using natural gas-based plastic bags, the technology exists to make plastic bags using renewable sources, such as corn. This bag breaks down in months, instead of decades or centuries like traditional plastic bags. Plus, because it’s made from an agricultural product, the bags aren’t as bad for the environment. Also, because the bag is made from a renewable resource, it’s not depleting as many non-renewable resources.
In addition to single-use bags, such as paper or biodegradable plastic, another often mentioned alternative to plastic shopping bags are canvas bags. These bags can be reused which is the most efficient form of recycling. These reusable shopping bags are often available for purchase at grocery stores and large-box retailers for less than $5 USD per bag.
Some communities have looked into passing a law requiring most retailers to use paper, reusable or biodegradable plastic made from agricultural products. In California, San Francisco was one of the first major cities to enact such a law. Others have also considered the measure, using the San Francisco law as a model.