Lighthouses are still used for navigation despite modern technology. The Tower of Hercules in Spain is the oldest lighthouse still in use and the only one from Greco-Roman antiquity with structural integrity. The Statue of Liberty was intended to be a lighthouse, but not bright enough. The Lighthouse of Alexandria was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Over 850 lighthouses once operated in the US, including dozens on the Great Lakes.
While modern marine navigation typically involves the use of electronic chart displays and satellite information, lighthouses still have more than just nostalgia and aesthetic beauty to recommend them. In fact, many remain in use as active navigational aids to help ensure safe passage at sea. Perhaps most impressive of all is the Tower of Hercules, which has stood guard near the northwestern Spanish city of A Coruña since at least the 2nd century AD According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO ), is the oldest lighthouse still in use and “the only lighthouse of Greco-Roman antiquity to have maintained a measure of structural integrity and functional continuity”. The lighthouse is 2 feet (180 m) high on a rock that alone rises 55 feet (187 m).
A guide to driving lights:
The Statue of Liberty was intended to be a lighthouse and in 1886 became the first to use electricity to power its light. However, Lady Liberty’s flashlight was not bright enough for practical use.
The Lighthouse of Alexandria was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and was for centuries one of the tallest man-made structures in the world.
More than 850 lighthouses once operated in the United States, including dozens on the shores of the Great Lakes.