Ankle stress fractures are caused by repeated activity on weakened bones or muscles and can be mistaken for a sprain. Symptoms include pain, swelling, and bruising. Treatment involves rest and immobilization, and gradual return to activity to prevent re-injury. It’s important to understand the cause of the fracture and avoid activities that could cause another break.
When a person suffers an ankle fracture, it usually means that they have broken the fibula or tibia bone, near the foot at the end of these bones. Ankle fractures are fairly common, but one type that may be slightly harder to notice at first is the ankle stress fracture. This results in a relatively small break in one of these bones and is not usually caused by a sudden impact injury. In contrast, an ankle stress fracture often results from repeating an activity performed over and over again on a bone that is weakened or has weakened muscles. A small break in the bone can occur in this scenario, and even though these fractures are small, they still require treatment.
There are a great many reasons why people might develop an ankle stress fracture. Often, this injury occurs in athletes, especially if they are overtraining or pushing themselves in activities that involve excessive use of their feet. Alternatively, those who are trying to establish a regular exercise pattern, especially one that includes activities such as jumping, dancing, running/walking or cycling, may be too active at first.
When muscles that are built in part to help bones take repeated impact aren’t doing their job properly, injury to the bones can occur as the muscle repeatedly fails to absorb the shock and protect them. Another potential cause is underlying bone weakness, as a result of conditions such as osteoporosis. If bone strength is poor, repeated activity could lead to fractures. When one of these situations occurs, there is a risk of not only a stress fracture in the ankle but also a fracture in the bones of the foot.
Symptoms of an ankle stress fracture can include pain, especially when weight is placed on the affected foot. The pain may lessen, or not be felt at all, whenever a person can rest their foot. Fractures can cause swelling and some bruising may also be present. An area of the ankle could hurt if touched.
While it might be easy to dismiss these symptoms as a sprained ankle (and not go to the doctor), it’s really recommended that people get medical attention. While treatment might just involve resting and walking your foot, it’s possible to re-injure your foot or cause a larger tear if treatment guidelines aren’t followed. Also, sometimes doctors take a more aggressive approach with an ankle stress fracture and ask patients to wear a cast or brace for a few weeks, or suggest surgery when a fracture isn’t healing properly. It’s also a good idea to understand the cause of the fracture, especially if it’s osteoporosis, so that certain activities can be avoided in the future that could cause another break or doctors can address deteriorating bone mass.
In general, treatment usually consists of rest for several weeks and possibly immobilization of the foot with plaster or braces. As people start returning to activities, especially athletes, they may be given limits on how much to do. It is advisable to restart any form of exercise gradually, as starting full force can easily result in a second ankle stress fracture. This last advice is also suitable for those starting a new sporting activity; a pace that gradually increases is probably a good preventative for stress fractures.