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Anti-war protests in the US (1969), Darwin sends Origin of Species to publisher (1859), gold hoarding made illegal (1933), Battle of the Ice (1242), Helen Keller breakthrough (1887), Washington’s first veto (1792), Easter Island discovered (1722), Pocahontas marries John Rolfe (1614), Churchill resigns (1955), April 1976 Movement leads to violence in Tiananmen Square (1976).

Massive anti-war demonstrations took place in the United States. (1969) Over 100,000 protesters gathered in New York alone and other rallies took place in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. Most of the rallies were led by students, although Quakers also held sit-ins and committed other acts of civil disobedience in more than 30 other cities.

Darwin sent the first chapters of Origin of Species to his publisher. (1859) Now considered one of the most influential books ever published, The Origin of Species expounds Darwin’s groundbreaking theories of evolutionary biology.

Hoarding of gold coins and bullion has become illegal in the United States. (1933) President Franklin Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6102, which ordered people to bring gold coins, bars, and certificates to exchange them for dollars in hopes of boosting the US economy.

The battle of the ice took place on the border of Russia and Estonia. (1242) The battle took place between the Novgorod Republic, a medieval Russian state, and a group of crusaders. It was fought almost entirely atop a large frozen lake and only ended when the ice collapsed under several thousand soldiers.

Helen Keller had her breakthrough with the manual alphabet. (1887) Anne Sullivan had been trying to get Keller to make the connection between objects and words for about a month before making her discovery by associating the word “water” with water running over her hand. Keller progressed rapidly after that, and she is said to have exhausted Sullivan by running around asking for the names of anything she could reach.

George Washington exercised the first presidential veto. (1792) Washington vetoed a measure that would have provided more seats in the House of Representatives for northern states than for southern states. He only exercised his veto once in office; this was to prevent a reduction in the number of cavalry units in the army.

Easter Island has been discovered. (1722) Dutch explorer Jakob Roggeveen accidentally discovered the island while searching for Australia, two years before Captain Cook’s famous expedition also reached the island. He related that the island was completely self-sufficient and mentioned the huge statues that the island is known for today.

Pocahontas married John Rolfe. (1614) Pocahontas had served for years as a liaison between her father’s tribe and the English colonists, and her marriage ensured peace between the two. Rolfe was an English planter who introduced tobacco to America and, after marrying him, Pocahontas became “Lady Rebecca”.

Winston Churchill has resigned. (1955) Churchill had been suffering from ill health for some years, although he remained in parliament even after his resignation as Prime Minister. He is best known for leading Britain through World War II as well as for his wit and his cigars.

The April 1976 Movement led to violence in Tiananmen Square. (XNUMX) The police, acting on the orders of the Gang of Four, cleared thousands of mourners for former Premier Zhou Enlai from Tiananmen Square. The incident was later seen as a huge display of patriotism by the mourners after the Gang of Four lost power.

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