Aquaculture has been practiced for over 4000 years, with tools evolving alongside technology. Hatchery supplies, fish farming equipment, pond construction products, and feed dispensers are some of the many aquaculture products available. These products are becoming more energy-efficient and environmentally responsible.
According to some experts, aquaculture started on a small scale in ancient Egypt, China and Japan around 2500 BC and took hold in the US by the mid-1850s AD – more than 4000 years later. The tools used in aquaculture have evolved and continue to evolve as technology changes. Some of the different types of aquaculture products reflect these changes, but some, like reed nets and cages, remain much the same. Some aquaculture products are specific to certain types of fish farming, although many are standard. There are many different types of aquaculture products.
Hatchery products include hatchery supplies such as graduated cylinders for counting eggs and small fish called fry. Breeders use plastic egg tongs when handling fish eggs and use pipettes or siphons to move large amounts of eggs. Usually eggs hatch in special trays or bottles.
Fish farming equipment includes a wide variety of products, often specialized depending on the type of fish or seafood. Some aquaculture farmers raise aquatic animals in natural environments such as ponds, rivers or oceans, while others use tanks. In any type of environment, cattle are raised, bred and fattened for the harvest.
Tanks can be circular, rectangular or conical and need circulation pumps to keep the water moving through the sanitation filters. Fish sewage management creates a need for products that test water quality, such as oxygen meters, thermometers to regulate water temperature, and pH testing equipment. Fishing tanks also need to install aerators and water purifiers.
Ponds for aquaculture can be natural or constructed. Aquaculture products for pond construction can include sluice gates or sluice gates, aerators, and pond drains called monks. Workers often use special rakes or scythes to clean unwanted algae from ponds. For large lakes, aquatic farmers use cutter boats to remove underwater weed growth.
Both tanks and ponds expose fish to hazards, and many products address this problem. There are traps of different sizes and shapes to capture predators such as eels, crayfish and muskrats. Bird spooks and bird nets are usually successful in keeping away herons, storks and other predatory birds. Birds can cause a major monetary setback for aquaculturists. When birds fish, they can injure the fish, agitate the fish and disrupt their breeding and traumatize the fish, as well as spreading disease and parasites in the pond.
Another important aquaculture product is the feed dispenser. Typically, there are two different types, pendulum operated and electronic. The pendulum operated dispenser does not need any power source. Fish activate it by touching the pendulum, which causes it to swing and dispense food. The second type needs electricity to run and usually dispenses food on a timer. There are many types of electronic dispensers, including sprinkler, agitator and propeller types.
Aquaculture farmers need many different product categories to harvest their animals and process them for market. From removing the fish from the fattening arenas to processing and transport, the fish goes through several preparation areas. Each of these areas has specialist equipment such as fish counters, fillet machines and vacuum sealers to assist workers.
Many aquaculture products are a combination of time-tested devices such as hand nets and new innovations. One of the areas where this is most evident is in the water farm power plants. There has been a resurgence in wind generators such as windmills. On the modern side, solar panels power some water farms. Aquaculture products are becoming more energy efficient and more environmentally responsible.
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