Ashkenazi Jews: who are they?

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Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of Jewish populations in Central and Eastern Europe, with a rich cultural and religious tradition. They are genetically linked to Middle Eastern ancestry and have their own language, Yiddish. Many settled in Germany and were later pushed back into Eastern Europe. They were persecuted, and many were killed in the Holocaust. Today, they make up a significant portion of Israel’s Jewish population. Judaism is practiced in diverse ways, and the ethnic heritage of the Jewish people is also quite diverse.

Ashkenazi Jews are people who are descended from the Jewish population of Central and Eastern Europe. Judaism can be both a cultural and a religious identity, and in the case of Ashkenazi Jews, it is possible for someone to be culturally or ethnically descended from Ashkenazi without practicing Judaism, or for someone to adopt Ashkenazi traditions without being ethnically related to the Jews of the Central and Eastern Europe. About 80% of the world’s Jews are Ashkenazi, including the majority of American Jews.

The history of Ashkenazi Jews began with migration from the Middle and Near East to Central Europe. The term “Ashkenazi” actually comes from the Hebrew word for “Germany,” reflecting the fact that many of them settled in Germany and along the Rhine Valley. Over time, Ashkenazi were pushed back into Eastern Europe, developing communities close-knit and a rich cultural and religious tradition. Historically they have been persecuted, banned from working in many professions and sometimes barred from living in specific regions.

Genetically, Ashkenazi Jews are clearly descended from people of Middle Eastern ancestry who intermarried with Central and Eastern Europeans, as extensive studies of Ashkenazi have shown. Many Ashkenazim in Europe spoke Slavic languages, but they also developed their own language, Yiddish. They also developed a unique approach to Jewish liturgy and Jewish religious traditions. While Ashkenazi follow the same religious texts as other Jews, there are some distinctive variations in the Ashkenazi tradition that distinguish Ashkenazi Judaism from Sephardic Judaism and Mizhrahi Judaism.

The Ashkenazi population in Europe was devastated by the Holocaust of the 1930s and 1940s, when an estimated six million Jews were massacred under Adolf Hitler’s regime. Fortunately, many Ashkenazi had settled outside Europe, mainly in the United States, and kept their traditions and history alive. With the establishment of Israel in 1948, many Ashkenazi Jews moved to the Middle East and today make up a sizable portion of Israel’s Jewish population.

Because Ashkenazi Jews make up such a large percentage of Jews worldwide today, many people unfamiliar with Judaism think specifically of Ashkenazi traditions when they hear the word “Jew,” and also assume that most Jews are of central and eastern origin. European descent. Indeed, Judaism is practiced in a variety of ways, and the ethnic heritage of the Jewish people is also quite diverse, with distinct lineages from the Mediterranean and the Middle East.

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