Automatic renewal clauses are contract provisions that renew a contract unless one party notifies the other by a certain date. They are used in various commercial contracts, but some jurisdictions have made them illegal or require issuers to make them obvious. Critics argue they can be unfair and buried in contracts, leading to penalties for non-compliance.
An automatic renewal clause is a contract provision that renews a contract at the end of its term, unless one party to the contract notifies the other by a certain date. These clauses are used in a variety of commercial contracts, including commercial and residential leases, consumer goods subscriptions, and vendor contracts. Some consumer advocates have questioned the fairness of these clauses, leading some jurisdictions to make such clauses illegal or require issuers of these contracts to make an automatic renewal clause obvious to a buyer of goods or services.
Many contracts set a definite time limit during which the contract is in effect. A typical example of such a contract is a building lease, in which the landlord agrees to allow a tenant to use the premises for a specified period of time, often a year or more, as long as the tenant pays rent and continue to obey the other provisions of the lease. Neither the landlord nor the tenant are free to terminate the lease unilaterally unless the lease has been violated in some way. However, at the end of the lease, the tenant is free to move elsewhere, just as the landlord usually cannot renew the lease and can then find a new tenant for the premises. The law treats other types of contracts in a similar way, and both parties are expected to fulfill their contractual requests during the period stated in the contract.
Some companies insert an automatic renewal clause into their contracts as a way of trying to retain their customers and continue generating revenue. Customers who sign these contracts are required to inform the business of their decision not to extend the contract within a certain period of time before the end of the contract. If a customer or customer does not send this notification in time, the contract may be renewed even if the customer customer has not explicitly agreed to its renewal. A common example of an auto-renewal clause includes those used in user agreements offered by many websites and online service companies that automatically charge a user’s credit card at the end of each billing cycle, unless the user customer requests cancellation.
Consumer advocates and lawmakers have argued that some companies abuse an automatic renewal clause. These clauses may be buried in what may seem like boilerplate contracts, and the client or customer may not be aware of the automatic renewal clause until the contract ends and they are informed that they are obligated to continue paying for goods or services. in an automatically renewed contract. These laws may also prescribe civil or even criminal penalties for businesses that fail to comply with these consumer protection laws.
Smart Asset.