The average adult reads 300 wpm, but college students and professors can read faster. The world record is 4,700 wpm. Audiobook readers should read at 150 wpm. Third graders read 150 wpm. JFK and Jimmy Carter were fast readers. Critics argue speed reading leads to skimming.
The average adult reading speed is around 300 words per minute (wpm), but many people can read much faster than that. According to one survey, the average college student reads about 450 words per minute, and college professors can read 675 words in the same amount of time. As of 2012, the world speed reading record was 4,700 words per minute. Audiobook readers are generally advised to keep their reading speed at around 150 wpm so that their listeners can understand them.
Read more about speed reading:
In the United States, the average third grader, usually around age 8, reads about 150 words per minute.
At least two US presidents, John F. Kennedy and Jimmy Carter, were fast readers.
Critics of speed reading argue that its techniques lead people to skim through text rather than actually reading it.