College application fees can be avoided by proving economic hardship, applying to online colleges, attending certain on-campus programs, being a child or sibling of a graduate, or meeting certain application deadlines. Low-income students and those who qualify for the SAT Fee Waiver Service may also apply for fee waivers. Students should check with individual schools and guidance counselors for eligibility.
College application fees can be a financial burden for some students, especially if they plan to apply to multiple schools. There are options available to avoid these costs, but the terms may vary depending on the institution. Some common ways an applicant can avoid fees include proving economic hardship, applying to online colleges, attending certain on-campus programs, and being the child or sibling of a graduate. Prospective students will generally need to check with the individual schools they are interested in, as well as school guidance counselors, in order to determine their eligibility for fee waiver.
College application fee waivers are often available to students from low-income families who can demonstrate that their earnings are below a certain level and that paying college application fees would be an economic hardship. US students who have qualified for the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Fee Waiver Service may also apply for college application fee waiver. Typically, students are allowed a maximum of four applications at schools participating in the program. To do this, a student usually needs to request a signed affidavit of eligibility from their advisor.
Also, when students apply to colleges online, they can often waive their college application fees. In a sense, the college rewards the applicant for saving time and reducing paperwork by submitting their application electronically. Students can check the guidelines for the specific colleges they are applying to to determine whether they can waive application fees by applying online.
Some institutions reduce or waive fees if potential applicants attend special information sessions or diversity programs, for example. Others offer fee waivers just for visiting the campus in person before applying. They may also waive candidate fees in certain situations, such as being active in the military or in another form of public service. Sometimes the children and siblings of alumni of some schools may also be denied their application fees. Often referred to as a legacy waiver, it may also be granted to an applicant whose parents received a specific award from the institution.
In many cases, simply meeting certain application deadlines may result in waiving or reducing fees. When trying to avoid paying college application fees, a common first step is to see a guidance counselor for advice. In some cases, applicants may need to submit documentation from low-income families, for example. Otherwise, students may contact college admissions offices on their own to inquire about such exemptions.