Women have unique tastes and needs when it comes to bags. Necessity, size, composition, and material are all factors to consider when purchasing a bag. Handbags can range from $9.99 to thousands of dollars, and can be made from leather, vinyl, PVC, cloth, straw, or plastic. Organizer bags and satchel bags are popular choices.
Clutches, bags, hobos, buckets, shoulders, slings – they are all names for different types of bags. When a woman is looking for a bag, she is looking for that perfect accessory that meets her needs (or what she considers needs). Each woman is unique in her tastes and needs, and the bag market reflects this.
One of the first things to consider when buying a bag is necessity. What does a woman need a bag for? Is she looking for a tote bag to take to work, something small for a night out, or a luxurious formal bag for a party or gala? These needs will often determine the size and composition. An evening bag, for example, can be a small bag without straps, or a small shoulder bag, perhaps made of satin or velvet, possibly with a jewel clasp. The evening bag is designed to go well with a dress or evening gown, without looking out of place.
Most women will choose their bags for everyday use, such as taking them to work or school. Some women prefer large bags that will hold everything from their lunch to their gym clothes, while other women like a smaller bag, suitable for a cell phone, keys, sunglasses, a scarf, and wallet. As “wallet purses” have become popular, even a separate wallet is unnecessary. Many bags have a zippered compartment with credit card slots, ID windows, and a change pocket. These negate the need for a separate wallet.
Organizer bags have also seen a recent rise in popularity. These bags have a place for everything. Anything a woman wants to carry in her bag can find a place in organizer bags. Pockets, slots, compartments – they are all in the organizer.
Satchel bags are usually wider than they are tall and have short handles, perhaps with shoulder straps. They are often carried in the hands, but with a shoulder strap, they can be carried that way. The bums tend to have inward-curving tops and may have handles or straps. Cubes are usually taller and narrower, often wider at the top than the bottom. They usually have handles instead of shoulder straps.
One of the best ways to choose handbags is to simply pick them up, open them, look at them, and hold them as you would your current bag. It is comfortable? Is there a pocket or compartment for those things you carry most often? Is the pocket accessible?
Handbags can also be made from a variety of materials and this can greatly influence the price. Leather bags, not surprisingly, tend to be the most expensive. However, bags can be made of vinyl, PVC, cloth, straw, or even plastic. The material will also be a determining factor in the purchasing process. Some women want a leather look. Others prefer cloth or straw.
The bags can be priced from $9.99 US dollars to thousands for a designer bag like Prada or Hermes. One advantage of cheaper handbags is that a woman can buy one that is cute and trendy, for a small price, which makes it easy to give up when the bag goes out of style. Many women prefer to spend a lot of money on a classic bag that will last for many years.
Bags are as individual as the women who carry them and should be purchased as accessories and necessities. Its style, material, features and price will all be factors in your purchase. Most women, however, find them indispensable.