Becoming a bagel maker can be a profitable business in America. Making the perfect bagel requires skill and knowledge, and complying with health department requirements. Business courses and financial professionals can help ensure success.
Although they started out as an ethnic food, bagels have become increasingly popular and can be considered an American staple. Due to its growing popularity, becoming a bagel maker can be a great way to develop a long-term business of your own. A bagel maker may run a bagel shop where he makes bagels to sell to customers, or he may work at a separate location, making bagels that are then sold to bagel shops. Anyone who wants to have their own business can pursue the bagel maker job after some training and practice.
Making the perfect bagel can be a complex task. To produce a bagel, a bagel maker must first mix the dough and then shape it. The shaped bread dough is then boiled before baking, giving the final product its chewy texture. To be really efficient, a bagel maker will need bagel making equipment that will help the process go faster. Some bakers can produce up to 80 bagels in an hour.
The exact recipe for the perfect bagel will vary, depending on where the bagels are baked, the time of year, and even the equipment used to produce the bagels. Specialty bagel recipes like onion, poppy seed, garlic or cinnamon raisin bagels require even more tweaking, skills and knowledge. A bagel maker must learn to adjust recipes, temperatures, and other elements to ensure bagels are of the highest quality possible, no matter what the circumstances. With practice and experience, a bagel maker can overcome these challenges and produce excellent bagels for a growing customer list.
To operate a business, a bagel maker must not only learn how to make bagels, but also ensure that the location where bagels are made complies with local health department requirements. As with any home based business, a bagel maker will need business courses to develop business knowledge. Running a business always requires knowledge of supply and demand, how much to charge for products, and how to keep proper records to meet tax requirements and determine whether the business is operating at a profit or a loss.
If a bagel maker thinks business is doing particularly well, employees can be added, making financial and business problems even more complex. Any business owner can benefit from the assistance of an experienced accountant, CPA or other financial professional. This will help ensure that the business remains solvent and efficient.