To become a space scientist, study math and science in high school, earn an advanced degree in engineering, physics, or a related field, and gain experience through internships and involvement in organizations. Space scientists work in private industry, government agencies, and universities to research and develop technology for space travel and exploration. Joining professional organizations and attending job fairs can help secure a job in the field.
If you want to become a space scientist, study hard in high school when it comes to math and science. Recognize that to reach scientist level, you will likely need to earn an advanced college or university degree, usually a doctorate. To get started, you’ll typically need at least a bachelor’s degree in engineering, mathematics, physics, or a similar field to get in the door of space-related organizations. You can go to school until you complete an advanced degree, or you can earn your bachelor’s degree and work in the field to determine which area of space science you would like to pursue. Then you can go back to school in your chosen field of study and keep trying to become a space scientist.
Space scientists work in private industry for aerospace and defense companies. They design and build rockets, satellites and vehicles to take people into space. Space scientists work for government space agencies and laboratories. They conduct research at space-related universities and think tanks. They seek to discover life on other planets, help the environment on our own planet, improve methods of human space travel, and much more.
To learn more about space science and how to become a space scientist, get involved with organizations that help educate future scientists and engineers. Just one example of such an organization is the Future Scientists and Engineers of America. This organization sponsors rocket-building contests and other events, as well as bringing scientists and engineers into schools to speak with young people. Look for similar organizations in your location or through your school.
Once you’ve determined which area of space science you’re interested in, research which colleges and universities offer the most compatible programs for your interests. Some of the degree program fields that produce space scientists are astrophysics, aerospace engineering, and astronomy. When deciding on a school, discuss the best programs with high school counselors, engineers you know, and members of space-related organizations if possible.
If you know exactly which area of space science you want to study, look for schools with solid reputations in your chosen field. If you are not sure and believe your choice may change, look for a good general engineering school that can offer you several options. Find out what kind of internship programs are offered at the schools you are considering. Internships can lead to jobs and provide you with valuable experience and contacts, as well as help you discover whether you like working in a particular area of engineering or science.
It may also be a good idea to join professional space-related organizations, which also offer networking opportunities and educational information. Some organizations have student chapters that charge reduced fees to join. As you approach graduation, start attending industry job fairs, contacting university astronomy centers and research departments, and submitting your resume to aerospace companies and government space agencies. After being hired to become a space scientist, he works hard and stays focused on his goal.