Achilles tendon exercises focus on strengthening the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles in the calf, which anchor to the heel bone via the Achilles tendon. Effective exercises include pointing and flexing the foot and stretching the Achilles tendon. Traditional calf strengthening movements, such as standing and seated calf raises, can also be considered Achilles tendon exercises. Stretching for the calf muscles and tendons is important to prevent tears.
Achilles tendon exercises are movements designed to strengthen the Achilles tendon in the heel. Composed of the tendons of the gastrocnemius, soleus, and plantar muscles of the calf, the Achilles, the strongest tendon in the human body, anchors these muscles to the heel bone, the calcaneus. Because this tendon transfers the forces created by the calf muscles through the ankle joint pulling up on the heel, Achilles tendon exercises tend to focus on strengthening the gastrocnemius and soleus and, to a lesser degree, the planting The most effective exercises are variations on pointing and flexing the foot, as well as stretching the Achilles tendon to strengthen it.
The large, two-headed calf muscle that runs from behind the knee to the heel bone, the gastrocnemius, is a powerful plantar flexor, meaning it flexes the foot downward at the ankle joint. Below the gastrocnemius in the calf is the soleus, a slightly smaller muscle that also plantarflexes the ankle, particularly when the knee is bent. The third muscle with a common Achilles tendon is the plantaris, a relatively minor leg muscle whose muscle belly is located behind the knee and whose tendon runs between the gastrocnemius and soleus to the heel. As the action of the plantar is very insignificant, in fact it is considered a vestigial structure, the exercises that strengthen the Achilles mainly involve the gastrocnemius and soleus.
Because contractions of these calf muscles pull up on the Achilles tendon, thereby rotating the foot downward as if pointing the toe, strength training of the gastrocnemius and soleus proximally strengthens the tendon. Therefore, any exercise that involves plantarflexion can be considered Achilles tendon exercises. Novice athletes and people rehabbing an Achilles tendon injury can benefit from simple exercises. This can be done sitting at one’s desk at work, and includes basic plantar and dorsiflexion, or repeatedly pointing and flexing the foot, as well as more complex ankle movements, such as drawing the alphabet with your toes.
Traditional calf strengthening movements can also be considered Achilles tendon exercises. These include standing and seated calf raises. Standing calf raises, which work both muscles, involve standing on a step with the back half of your foot hanging over the edge and rising onto the balls of your feet, followed by lowering your heels past the step until you feel a stretch before to repeat They can be done with your own body weight or on a machine for added resistance. Seated calf raises, which best emphasize the soleus, are performed on a machine with both knees pressed against protruding pads to raise and lower the weight.
Although the Achilles is the most powerful tendon in the human body, the tendency for tightness in the calf muscles leaves it susceptible to tears. For that reason, stretching for the calf muscles and tendons should be included in an Achilles tendon exercise regimen. To stretch the Achilles, a standing calf stretch is recommended, in which the individual stands facing a wall, plants both hands on the wall at chest height, and steps back one foot directly into a lunge. Keeping your front foot planted and your knee slightly bent, you should straighten your back leg and press the heel of your back foot into the floor while pushing your body weight forward to increase the stretch. This stretch should be held without bouncing for 30 seconds and repeated with the back knee slightly bent and the heel on the floor, pointing to the soleus.