Best ADSL2 modem selection tips?

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When choosing an ADSL2 modem, consider cost, feature set, and usage plan. Quality can be compromised with lower prices, so read reviews and compare brands. Look for features like a built-in firewall and wireless security protocols. Choose between wired or wireless depending on your computer and equipment setup. Beware of interference from other equipment in your home.

Finding the best ADSL2 modem for the average user depends on at least three criteria. The cost of the modem is usually the first consideration for the buyer; there are a range of features available which means prices can vary significantly. A second consideration is the type of feature set offered, with cookie blocking, availability of Ethernet and USB ports, and firewall options on the list of important features. Your usage plan is the third important consideration. Choosing a wireless or wired ADSL2 modem and deciding whether or not to connect multiple PCs are important pre-purchase tasks.

Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) is a type of digital subscriber line technology that allows for fast data transmission over copper telephone lines compared to a typical voiceband modem. As with many types of electronics, quality is usually compromised as the price drops. Doing your homework by reading professional and user reviews and considering brands’ reputations can help you narrow your selection. Use comparison shopping search engines to find the best price.

It is crucial to identify the characteristics that are most important to you. A quality ADSL2 modem will have features such as a built-in firewall, intrusion detection, and MAC address filtering. Dynamic host configuration protocol, dynamic domain name system clients, and LAN port speed limitation are also important. For wireless models, wireless security protocols are a key requirement.

Choosing between a wireless or wired ADSL2 modem may depend on the type of computer or computer you will be using to connect to the Internet. To take full advantage of a laptop with an internal wireless card, a wireless ADSL2 modem is required. A desktop computer without wireless capabilities would not require a wireless modem. Many wired and wireless ADSL modems have multiple Ethernet ports, which is important if you need a wired connection for multiple computers in a work area. You can also connect many ADSL2 modems through a Universal Serial Bus (USB) connection.

Taking into consideration the other equipment you have in your home is also crucial. For example, an automatic dimmer switch can interfere with the signal. The resistance created by this type of equipment can create so much interference that the modem may stop working. If you have an automatic dimmer switch, you need a power strip that minimizes interference. Note that most ADSL2 modems will occasionally need to be turned off or unplugged in order to be reset.

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