Choosing the best Agent Orange attorneys involves finding those with experience in these cases and knowledge of associated health problems. Look for attorneys who offer contingency payment plans to avoid paying if the case is lost.
Agent Orange cases involve health problems caused by a herbicide called Agent Orange, so choosing the best Agent Orange attorneys involves making sure that the attorneys you’re considering are familiar with these types of cases and have a good track record of winning them. You will most likely also want to make sure that the attorney you choose is familiar with the type of health problems orange exposure can cause, as well as the unique problems you are dealing with. Additionally, you may do well to select an attorney who allows you to pay on an emergency basis so that you don’t have to pay money for legal representation in case you don’t win your case.
The first step in choosing the best Agent Orange attorneys is to look for attorneys with extensive experience helping people with this type of case. These cases typically involve a herbicide called Agent Orange that was used during the Vietnam War. During this war, military forces used this chemical in an attempt to kill the thick foliage in Vietnam to make it easier for the enemy to see. Some soldiers and their family members have suffered lasting effects from the chemical. Therefore, the best Agent Orange attorneys are usually the ones who have been successful arguing these cases.
You can also compare Agent Orange attorneys based on how familiar they are with the types of conditions associated with this chemical. Familiarity with these conditions can help an attorney prove more effective in arguing your case, and could also ensure that they understand the unique implications of any condition that prompted your legal case. Among the conditions that are frequently associated with this chemical are cancer, nerve disorders, rare conditions involving abnormal proteins, and chronic skin conditions. Diabetes, some liver disorders, and birth defects have also been linked to this chemical.
Since winning this type of case isn’t guaranteed, you may also have concerns when it comes to paying for legal representation. Lawyers’ fees can be expensive, and some lawsuits drag on for a surprising amount of time. Unless you have a significant amount of money to spend on attorney fees, you may decide that the best Agent Orange attorneys are the ones that offer contingency payment plans. In that case, you’ll only have to pay for representation if your attorney wins the case. If the case goes your way, an attorney will usually take their payment as a percentage of the settlement you receive. The exact amount of the contingency, however, will depend on the contract you sign with the attorney.