When choosing an art therapy school, consider the qualification you want, accreditation, length of study, approach to therapy, costs, registration with professional associations, and hands-on training. Schools offer options from short courses to master’s degrees, and must be accredited by the AATA or BAAT. Consider career goals and school location for internship opportunities.
There are some considerations when choosing schools for art therapy: the qualification you want to obtain, the school’s accreditation, the length of study and the school’s approach to art therapy. Additional considerations include the costs involved, assistance with registering with a professional association, and whether the school offers assistance with internships or internship programs.
When choosing between art therapy schools, consider your career goals. Sometimes teachers, social workers, and counselors wish to obtain art therapy training to better serve their clients. In these situations, a certificate or short course may suffice. Someone who wants to become a licensed and qualified art therapist will have to obtain a degree to be able to practice.
Some schools where you can study art therapy offer options ranging from short courses to master’s degrees. If you want to become an art therapist, you have two options: Most art therapy schools offer both undergraduate and graduate degrees, each of which should take about two years to complete. Some schools offer a five-year program that combines both degrees, but this is less common.
US-based art therapy schools must be accredited by the American Art Therapy Association (AATA). The AATA provides educational, ethical, and professional standards for art therapists in the US. The British equivalent is the British Association of Art Therapists (BAAT). Choose an accredited school, especially if you want to practice professionally.
The duration of study can vary, as certificate programs can be completed in a matter of weeks, while master’s degrees can take up to five years to complete. Consider your career goals as this will directly affect the training you need. You must be prepared to study for at least four years if you want to become an art therapist.
When choosing between art therapy schools, make sure the school’s approach is compatible with your own views. Some schools focus on therapist and client growth because some believe that therapist development is directly related to client well-being. Other schools may just focus on using art to help the client.
Investigate the expenses associated with each school you consider. Some schools offer assistance in obtaining student loans or may provide financial assistance, and this may influence your decision. Expenses can also be added, such as kits used for training or textbooks.
Registration with professional associations is another important consideration, especially if you want to practice professionally. The Art Therapy Credentials Board (ATCB) requires a formal exam to register. Some art therapy schools help students apply and actively encourage students to take the exam.
Most art therapy studies require some form of hands-on training, and some require up to 800 hours of practice. Some art therapy schools provide assistance with internships and internships, and this makes it easy to gain the hands-on experience you need to graduate. School location can also be important, as schools in metropolitan areas may offer more internship opportunities.