Choosing the best Chinese medicine school depends on what you want to learn and whether you want to practice professionally. Look at natural healing schools, schools that focus exclusively on Chinese medicine, and online schools. Consider cost, location, and student experience.
Choosing the best Chinese medicine school depends on what you want to learn from the program and whether or not you want to practice professionally. Learning Chinese medicine like acupuncture is often different than learning Reiki or herbal medicine, and some areas require licensing for certain practices. Generally, the best school is the one that provides the most complete knowledge of Chinese medicine, but the prestige of the school and the student’s experience must also be considered. Some programs even involve traveling to China to learn more directly from masters in the field, although these programs are often more expensive.
When choosing a Chinese medical school, one of the first places to look is natural healing and alternative health schools. These facilities may teach other natural healing techniques such as Ayurveda or various Native American healing methods, but generally have the benefit of extensive resources and general courses. This solution may be appropriate if one is also interested in other types of alternative medicine.
Schools that focus exclusively on Chinese medicine are also available, with some schools only teaching a specific type of Chinese healing. These schools are a bit rarer and are usually concentrated in areas where Chinese medicine is popular or where many Chinese people live. Therefore, it can be difficult to find such a Chinese medicine school in areas without a large immigrant population. Acupuncture schools, however, are very common and typically teach students to become licensed acupuncturists. The use of Chinese herbs can also be taught in a Chinese medicine school, focusing only on this technique.
Depending on where you live, an online school may be your best option. Some countries do not have regulations around alternative medicine; therefore, it is possible to practice medicine with just an online degree. It is generally preferable to attend a school of traditional Chinese medicine because one needs the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with the tools and herbs used in this type of healing.
In terms of the Chinese medical school itself, cost is certainly an issue. Some programs are expensive, and the potential returns to running a Chinese medicine company are generally not very high. With regard to distance, you need to be sure that attending school will not cause extreme difficulties and that you will be able to find accommodation during the program, as many schools do not have dormitories. Student experience is harder to predict, but talking to current students and faculty can be helpful in deciding whether the program itself will be enjoyable. A combination of all these aspects should be considered when choosing the best Chinese medicine school.