Consider load size, wash duration, and tamper-proof features when choosing a coin-operated washing machine. For laundromats, prioritize large capacity and quick machines. For rental properties, consider additional revenue streams like dispensing detergents. Protect against theft with well-protected models.
There are several factors you can consider when choosing a coin-operated washing machine, many of which are directly related to how you intend to use it. Some important characteristics to consider are the size of the load and the duration of the wash, which can affect the profitability of the unit. You can even make some extra cash from this type of machine if it’s capable of dispensing detergents and fabric softeners. Many newer units also have tamper-proof features, which can help prevent potential customers from getting free wash cycles. How important each feature is to you can depend on how much the unit will be used, which can largely depend on whether you own a laundromat or are just looking to install a coin-operated washer in a unit at rental.
The size of each load that a coin-operated washer can handle, along with the time it takes to complete, can be important if you operate a laundromat. You may want to look for large capacity machines that run quickly, because this can allow more customers to use the units. Most coin-operated units allow you to adjust the amount each load costs, so you can charge an appropriate amount based on the size of the load.
If you are installing a drive in a rental property, capacity and speed may not be as important. When you provide a coin-operated washing machine to your tenants, you have a limited number of potential customers, so getting more people in and out quickly won’t necessarily result in higher profits. For these situations, you can look at other features that can help your bottom line. A coin-operated washing machine that automatically dispenses detergent, fabric softener, and bleach at an additional cost can provide an additional revenue stream. In a laundromat setting, you may prefer to have separate vending machines to supply those products.
Another important factor to consider when buying a coin-operated washing machine is theft. Coin boxes that aren’t well protected can attract the attention of thieves, but you can also lose money if people are able to bypass the payment mechanism altogether. Many older machines have known vulnerabilities that make it relatively easy to use a washing machine without putting coins in or using snails or lower value foreign money. If theft worries you, you should look for a well-protected model.