Choosing the best herbal detox tea depends on the type of cleanse desired, such as colon or liver detox. Herbs have different effects on the body, and it’s important to know which ones are most effective. Laxative, diaphoretic, and blood purifying properties are important to consider. Some herbs are beneficial for specific organs, but caution should be taken with certain herbs.
Choosing the best herbal detox tea should be based on the specific type of body cleanse you would like to achieve, such as a colon detox or liver detox. Therefore, you should be aware of the various effects herbs have on the body and under what circumstances they are most effective. It is also wise to personally choose individual herbs to serve as the best detox tea for you or as an ingredient in an herbal combination that will detoxify the entire body or a specific organ.
Three important properties of medicinal plants that you should be familiar with when deciding on the best herbal detox tea include laxative, diaphoretic, and blood purifying properties. Laxatives, sometimes called purgatives, stimulate the bowel and are often necessary to perform a colon cleanse. Medicinal plants known for their laxative properties include senna and cascara, and you can make an herbal detox tea with either if this is the benefit you want.
Diaphoretics are herbs that promote perspiration and can be used to make an herbal detox tea that aids in a general cleanse of the entire body, because sweating is a vital function involved in removing toxins from the bloodstream. If you want this type of detox tea, you can make it with hyssop, peppermint, or yarrow flowers, all of which have diaphoretic properties. Teas made with these herbs should be consumed while hot and on an empty stomach.
Blood purifiers include the root of the yellow dock plant, dandelion root, and burdock and chickweed leaves. You can use yellow dock as an herbal detox tea prepared as a decoction, but dandelion root, burdock root, and chickweed leaves are most effective when combined. A decoction is made from the root material and an infusion is made from the leaves. The two are mixed and consumed. These herbs are rich in organic vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that help purify the blood by supplying it with the substances necessary to produce healthy blood cells that nourish every tissue.
It is also important to know which herbs are especially beneficial for cleansing specific organs. For example, dandelion root nourishes and helps detoxify the liver, and burdock root is beneficial for detoxifying the kidneys. Both herbs are also very nourishing for the skin, which is an eliminative organ that needs to function properly no matter what type of detox you’re doing.
Please note that some herbs, while they may have the properties you are looking for, need to be considered carefully. For example, the medicinal plant blessed thistle helps induce sweating. However, men should probably avoid drinking blessed thistle tea, due to the presence of female hormones.