Choose a double boiler that is large enough and includes a water fill line and heating instructions. Look for two significantly different sized pots and easy-to-grip handles. Quality stainless steel double boilers are the best option and often come with a lifetime guarantee.
The best double boiler is one that is large enough for your needs. If the bottom pan that holds boiling water to heat the top pan is too small, it can be messy or even dangerous. Water can boil over the rim and out on the stove; if the pot at the bottom boils dry, a fire could start if it’s left that way for too long. Choose a double boiler that includes a water fill line on the bottom pan and heating instructions for your safety. Many people mistakenly use double boilers on high rather than low or moderate temperatures.
The steam from the boiling water at the bottom provides the indirect heat to the top. The French call the double boiler a bain-marie, or “water bath”. The indirect heat created by the two-pot system melts the chocolate without burning it and warms the milk without curdling it. The double boilers are also ideal for preparing cream and cheese based sauces as well as sweet mixtures such as caramel.
The best double boilers to buy are those that feature two significantly different sized pots. If the top and bottom sections are too close together, the top pot can slide down into the bottom one, defeating the whole purpose of a dual pot system. If the lid included in a double boiler fits both pots, this could be a clue that the pot sizes are too similar. Consider choosing one of the double boiler styles with a glass lid for the top pot. A glass lid at the top of the boiler can allow you to easily see when and if the food is melting.
Quality double boilers often last for many years and most of these also have a lifetime guarantee. Buying a professional type of double boiler is the best option because the price difference between that and one made to a lower standard is minimal. Good stainless steel double boilers are often labeled with professional quality. While nonstick double boilers are available for sale, they are not usually considered professional quality cookware.
Look for a double boiler with easy-to-grip handles. You should also make sure the length of the handle works well with the hob so your hand isn’t too close to the heating element. Finally, make sure the double boilers you choose from fit your cleaning and maintenance expectations; not all of them are dishwasher safe.