The best forklift courses are supervised by safety organizations like OSHA, include hands-on driving, simulate real warehouse conditions, and cover maintenance, toxic spill cleanup, and first aid. Certification can lead to job offers and a successful career.
The best forklift courses are supervised by employees of a safety implementing organization, such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), in the United States. Forklift courses should also include hands-on driving and not just classroom lectures to provide the best in training and experience. Often, a company or factory will offer forklift training courses, with job offers given to candidates who pass the training course. When choosing a course, try to only take those courses that offer training in more than the basic forklift, such as electric and gas trucks, as well as fork masher-type lifts and larger backyard-type forklifts.
Any type of forklift course must simulate real warehouse conditions and industry equipment must be available for training. When operating in a real work environment, distractions such as movement, noise and obstacles can be simulated, which increases training realism. The best forklift courses also include toxic spill cleanup and first aid. As a forklift operator, you are often the first person to encounter an emergency situation, and the best courses will train you to respond properly to such an emergency. Material Safety Data Sheets, or MSDS, are also taught in the best forklift courses.
Daily service and maintenance methods are included in the best forklift courses and train you to charge batteries, change batteries and replace fuel tanks in preparation for the work day. Other safety inspection items such as fork condition, hydraulic line condition and tires will be included in the best forklift courses. Lesser quality courses will not focus on the preventative maintenance you must do to avoid catastrophic failure of forklift components. Therefore, you will not be properly trained to do your job as a forklift operator, as there is much more to operating a forklift than simply driving the machine.
There is often a fee to attend the best forklift courses, however the fee is soon returned when you become employed by having superior knowledge over those who have trained in a lease course. Your personal safety is also in the hands of your training staff. Any injury avoided because of the training you received on your course makes the fee a nominal thing in the grand scheme of things. Certification in forklift operation can be the first step in a forklift operating career.