Choosing the best hip specialist depends on the nature of the problem, and consultation with several doctors may be necessary. A patient should feel comfortable with the doctor and understand the hip problem. Surgery may require a second opinion, and different techniques work best for different patients.
Orthopedic doctors specialize in treating problems related to the skeleton and joints, including hip problems. It is important to find a doctor who listens to your concerns and makes you feel comfortable. Choosing the best hip specialist often depends on the nature of the problem. For those looking to find the best treatment, consultation with an arthritis doctor may be necessary if arthritis is the cause of hip pain. If surgery is recommended, it is often recommended to get a second opinion.
Consultation with several doctors is often necessary to find the best hip specialist. A primary care physician may provide the names of several specialists. A patient should feel comfortable with the doctor and feel that they have a clear understanding of the hip problem, its causes and associated pain. A physician’s credentials and experience are an important consideration, but many physicians have excellent credentials and lack a “bedside table manner.” For some patients this is fine, but for others the lack of bedside manner is not tolerable and may affect recovery, especially if there are post-operative complications.
The causes of hip pain can influence the choice of a hip specialist. Hip problems include muscle strain, tendonitis, arthritis, bursitis, and bone malformations. Although many of these conditions can be treated without surgery, sometimes there is a need to improve the quality of life. If the hip mechanisms are worn beyond repair, a hip replacement is often recommended. Some orthopedic doctors specialize in joint replacement.
In some cases of hip pain, it may be a good idea to see a rheumatologist, a doctor who specializes in arthritis conditions. This is especially true if the patient has rheumatoid arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease that can affect many of the body’s joints. The rheumatologist will perform a complete evaluation of the skeletal system and conduct blood tests. Oral medications, exercise, and physical therapy can sometimes help reduce pain and increase range of motion.
To find the best hip specialist when surgery is needed, it’s a good idea to consult with several doctors. When surgery is recommended, the patient may feel fearful. He or she may want to get the surgery done quickly, but should remember that medicine is both a science and an art. Surgeons have different operating styles, and any surgery requires a good deal of judgement. A patient should understand the recommended surgical procedure and the different surgical techniques that can be used to correct hip problems; different techniques work best for different patients depending on their physical health and mental attitude.