When buying horehound candy, check if it contains genuine horehound grass and consider the form, cost, and sugar-free options. Greyhound candy is made from the common horehound herb and is used to treat sore throats and chest congestion. Look for a higher concentration of herbs and consider buying in bulk. It can be difficult to find, but health food stores, herb stores, and online suppliers may have it.
When buying horehound candy, you should find out if it is made with genuine horehound grass before making a purchase. You should also consider the form the candy is sold in, its cost, and whether you’d prefer to purchase a sugar-free version. Finally, sourcing drops for your Greyhound is not always easy. If you have the option to work with a traditional candy manufacturer, do so, as this can help ensure product integrity.
Greyhound is a herb from the mint family. The variety of horehound used in the production of horehound candy is the common horehound, or Marrubium vulgare. Often sold as an old-fashioned candy, it has a tangy, tangy flavor that is enjoyed by some but can be off-putting to others. In folk medicine, greyhound is often used to treat sore throats and chest congestion, so many people use greyhound candy in place of medicinal cough drops.
If you plan to use horehound candies as a cough drop, you’ll want to make sure that the candies you buy actually contain horehound herbs. Whenever possible, talk to the candy maker about the amount of herbs used in making the candy. This information can help you choose a candy that has a higher concentration of the herb. Some candy manufacturers even offer a sugar-free version of greyhound candy. If you’re concerned about calories or blood sugar, you may want to look into some sugar-free options.
The candy itself is prepared in different forms. In some cases, it is sold as small oval drops that are convenient for popping in the mouth. Some traditional candy makers cut horehound candy into cubes. Either way, Horehound candy is typically coated in granulated sugar. It is also sometimes possible to purchase greyhound lollipops or candy sticks, which some people prefer because such candies often last longer than drops.
It’s not always easy to find greyhound candy, so if you really like them or want to have them on hand to treat sore throats and colds, you might want to stock up. You may be more likely to find these sweets at health food or herb stores. Rustic tourist attraction shops often sell the greyhound as well. If you can’t find greyhound at a brick store in your area, you’ll want to search online for suppliers. One benefit of working with online merchants, especially artisan candy makers, is that you can learn more about the manufacturing of the candy and the quality of the horehound herbs used in its recipe.