An indoor cycling trainer is a device that attaches to the rear axle of a bicycle to provide resistance when pedaling. When choosing a trainer, consider fitness goals, skill level, budget, sturdiness, adjustability, resistance unit, and roller type.
An indoor cycling trainer is a device that is attached to the rear axle of the bicycle and keeps the rear wheel off the ground. The indoor cycling trainer features a roller, usually made of metal or hard rubber, that presses against the rear wheel to provide resistance when pedaling, and some trainers feature an adjustment lever so the rider can change the amount of resistance by pressing against the rear wheel. To choose the best indoor cycling trainer, it helps to first determine your fitness goals, your skill level, and your budget.
It is very important that you choose an indoor cycling trainer that has a sturdy and well-built frame. The frame will withstand a significant amount of force during normal use, as the bike and the weight of your body twist and impact the frame. A poorly built frame is likely to break, warp, or bend, rendering the unit less useful or even completely useless. The unit must also be highly adjustable, as the width of the axle can vary from bike to bike, as can the distance between the roller and the tire.
The indoor cycling trainer resistance unit will have a significant impact on the price, utility, and noise level of the unit. There are many resistance options, from magnetic resistance to wind resistance, and even fluid resistance. It’s a good idea to try several different indoor cycling trainer models that feature different resistance units to find the one that works best for you. Regardless of the type of resistance unit you choose, try to choose a trainer that has a control unit that mounts to the handlebars of the bike. This will allow you to increase or decrease the resistance level without getting off the bike during a workout.
Pay close attention to the type of trainer that the indoor cycling trainer offers. This roller will make contact with your rear wheel, and some rollers will wear down the tire very quickly, while others can slip when the wheel presses against it, meaning you may lose some of the strength the unit is supposed to provide. Some trainers feature a gel roller made of hardened rubber and gel; it will be less likely to wear out the tire quickly, but the roller itself may wear faster than a metal roller.