Best laptop selection tips?

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To choose the best notebook, consider your budget and intended use. Notebook computers are portable and popular, with a wide range of software and hardware options. Business, multimedia, student, and computer professional users have different needs, such as productivity software, high-speed internet, and memory. Check academic program requirements and preferred computer models before purchasing.

To choose the best notebook, you need to have a clear idea of ​​both your computer’s planned activity and your budget. Laptop computers are also known as portable computers. These types of computers are designed for users to work away from their desk or workstation.

Notebook computers have been around since 1983 and are very popular with both business and personal consumers. There is a wide variety of software, hardware and features available in today’s drives. The price of the typical notebook ranges from $200 to $5,000 US Dollars (USD), decreasing each year, based on lower manufacturing and parts costs.

To help you select your notebook computer, take some time to sit down and write a list of your tasks and planned activities for your computer. Notebook computer users are generally divided into four categories: business users, multimedia users, students and computer professionals. Each of these categories has slightly different hardware and software needs.

For a business user, select a notebook computer preloaded with the latest productivity software. This type of software includes word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, and accounting software packages. Make sure your model has wireless Internet access, as well as Bluetooth® connectivity. These two features increase the ability to work in a wide range of locations and provide improved data sharing properties. All notebooks are equipped with the ability to connect a projector and speakers as needed.
Media-intensive users need a notebook with high-speed wireless Internet connectivity, Bluetooth® technology, a large monitor, high-quality video, and an excellent sound card. These options will enhance the user experience and allow you to fully explore the richness of the media. Look for models with high storage capacity and capable of handling complex image processing software.
Student users should check their academic program requirements to determine if there are any specific software requirements. They must ensure that the notebook has a compatible operating system for the required software. Many post-secondary institutions have a list of preferred computer models and software that they will support. Check this list and buy only compatible products.
Word processing, spreadsheets and presentation software are all important for student users. However, wireless internet connectivity and long battery life are arguably more important. Almost all post-secondary institution campuses provide free wireless Internet access on campus. A wireless card installed in the notebook increases the freedom of study places available to the student.
Computer professionals require a notebook with plenty of memory and a high-speed processor. Your operating system should be compatible with the software development tools they use. A large screen makes testing and program presentations more effective.

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