Choosing the best building materials for a home can be challenging. Manufacturers offer products that meet practicality, affordability, good looks, and energy efficiency criteria. Consulting with professionals and choosing sustainable, quality materials can save energy costs in the long run.
Selecting the best building materials for your home can be difficult. People use all sorts of things for building materials, and when it comes to a home, most of them are looking for a combination of practicality, affordability, good looks, and energy efficiency. Building material manufacturers offer a few building products that meet these criteria, such as insulated concrete panels, cell insulation, low-voltage electrical systems, and energy-efficient roof tiles. With so many types and choices of home building materials, the selection can be a little confusing. Taking the time to do some research and learn a bit about building materials will help clear things up.
The home building materials industry is quite large, with approximately $265 billion in annual sales in the United States alone. This means that there are many competing manufacturers making many different products. Manufacturers of home building supplies are likely to advertise their products as “high quality,” which makes choosing the best building products that much more difficult. Typically, bigger companies make better products that cost a little more, but that’s not always the case. The best materials offer the best return for your money, are easy to use, easily installed, require little maintenance and guarantee a long life.
To make the best choices, consult or shop with a builder, contractor or architect and get real training on the best building products. Professional builders and contractors see all the latest innovations in home building materials. Architects can consider building supplies as a design aspect and are able to see the simplest and most elegant function in specific materials. Seasoned industry professionals also know which products are likely to have the best value and which materials work best for a particular situation.
The best building materials for your home will help you save energy and reduce your energy costs. For maximum energy savings, select low-voltage electrical appliances and energy-efficient lights and appliances. Look for products with energy-efficient designs, such as high R-value windows and quality insulation. Consider spending a little more now on products that will provide savings in the long run. Another thing to consider when choosing the best home building materials is to use quality, authentic materials rather than similar, cheap products that mimic better, more expensive products.
Other good choices for building materials include insulated concrete board and structurally insulated panel (SIP), which are basically foam insulation sandwiched between plywood panels or standard oriented strand board (OSB). These are lightweight materials that offer quick and easy installation, superior strength, and energy efficiency. Air leaks account for about half of all home energy loss, so choosing the best quality insulation now can save thousands in energy costs over the life of a home. In 2011, you can offset the high cost of home building materials by choosing roofing shingles with a high efficiency rating and a 30% discount, or up to $1,500 US Dollars (USD), from the federal government. The best choices for building materials for the home are sustainable materials that can last 50 to 100 years, quality products that may cost a little more, and building materials that promote low usage and long-term energy savings. .