Open source blogging software allows for custom themes and plugins, and easy experimentation. Look for social integration, simple code structure, and a large community for the best options.
Unlike closed blogging platforms, open source blogging software offers programmers the ability to create custom themes and plugins, and gives users the ability to experiment with these new creations without waiting for an official release. When a blogger is looking to choose open source blogging software, there are several features to look for that will catapult any given platform to the top. Blogging is a social activity, so the blogging platform should be able to integrate with social networking sites. Having open source code that is easy to read and work with will help programmers create new features and models without having to work with confusing structure. A large community is also a necessity, because this allows users and programmers to use other people’s creations.
Blogging, unlike corporate websites, is social in nature and posts are meant to be read. Some people may try to make money through blogging but, at its core, blogging is about getting published online and getting other people to share the experience of blogging. To this end, social networking and other social features must be added in the open source blogging software. There are many popular social networking sites, so the blogging platform doesn’t have to create a whole social environment. It just needs to include the ability to integrate with these social websites.
All blogs are made of code, and each type of open source blogging software is built with a different coding scheme. Some programming patterns are easy to understand, while others will leave programmers scratching their heads, trying to figure out how to manipulate and use the code. Programmers will benefit the most from a simple code structure, because they can get to work creating new features, instead of sitting around trying to figure out the structure. Users will also benefit from simple code, because simple code means that importing functionality created by programmers will be much easier.
When a blogging platform is made open source, it generally attracts a large crowd of users and programmers who, perhaps inadvertently, improve the blogging platform by refining and building new features. Having a large community means more programmers will be working on new features. Because of this, the blog software itself will be able to perform more functions from the number of plug-ins and themes created by the programmer, and users can take advantage of them. Finding a large following is essential to finding the best open source blogging software because this will give users a huge variety of tools to create their perfect blog.