Best open source chat server? How to choose?

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Choosing the best open source chat server involves considering factors such as operating system, features, scalability, security, and community support. Chat servers can range from simple to complex systems. The choice depends on user load and whether a client is required. Open source software has security concerns and may lack development or support in the future.

There are many aspects involved in choosing an open source chat server. Issues such as which operating system the server will run on and what features are included are important. You also need to consider the anticipated future of the server, such that it can be scaled down if needed, or support new plug-ins and features that may be developed independently. As open source software, careful consideration of the security features provided and the level of activity of the development community is also required. The best open source chat server will meet all the needs of the owner and have a future that includes community support.

Chat servers can range from a very simple relay server that does nothing but transmit text to anyone connected, to complex systems that coordinate multiple complex connections between different devices. The exact definition of what a chat server is has been expanded to include almost any program that allows two or more people to exchange text in real time. This includes instant messaging servers and peer-to-peer networks, where every client is also a server.

Choosing the best open source chat server needs to be seen in the context of how and who will use it. There are many simple and small choices to make if the user load is expected to be very low. For higher user loads where individual chat rooms, contact lists, or other social features may be needed, the field will shrink. Running a large chat server requires a fair amount of technical knowledge of networking, the Internet, and operating systems.

Another choice to make when selecting the best open source chat server is whether the program requires a client. Web-based telnet-accessible chat servers don’t technically require a client other than what is found on a normal operating system or most devices. Specialized servers, such as instant messaging services, require a client that understands the protocol being used. Depending on who will be using the server, downloading a dedicated client may or may not be a problem.

Using an open source chat server raises two concerns specific to open source software. The first is the security provided by the server. The software is open source, so anyone can access it and may discover loopholes they can use to bypass server security.

The second thing to be aware of is that as open source software, it is developed by a community of people who may be constantly tweaking the program and making changes or improvements to it. They develop and provide the software for free. This can mean that, at some point, the community may wear away with attrition and leave a program that is buggy and without development or support.

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