Organic tomatoes are becoming more popular due to consumer demand. They are grown without pesticides and herbicides, but may be smaller than traditionally grown tomatoes. They can be found in grocery stores, farmer’s markets, and can be grown at home. Different types of tomatoes vary in size and flavor.
Organic vegetables continue to increase in prevalence in grocery store chains in response to increased consumer demand for these types of products. Tomatoes are considered organic if they are grown completely without the use of pesticides and herbicides. Organic tomatoes can be found in grocery stores and supermarkets, but you can also grow your own if you live in a favorable climate. Another factor to consider is the type of tomato you want, as they vary in size and flavor.
Pesticides and herbicides are chemicals often used in the mass production of fruits and vegetables. These items are used to help ward off insects and to ensure the product grows to its full potential. Because of this, you may find that traditionally grown tomatoes from grocery stores are significantly larger than organically harvested ones. Although some experts argue that only a trace of the chemicals are left in food, some crops, including tomatoes, are especially vulnerable to pesticide sticking because of their skins. Organic tomatoes, on the other hand, are grown without the assistance of potentially harmful chemicals.
The most common places where organic tomatoes are sold include your neighborhood farmer’s market and grocery stores. When you attend a farmer’s market, you might consider asking if certain tomatoes are organic, because some are grown the traditional way. Organic tomatoes are easier to identify in supermarkets, as many chains dedicate entire sections in the produce department exclusively to organically grown fruits and vegetables.
Purchasing tomatoes labeled organic may not always guarantee a truly chemical-free food. Some countries allow companies to label their products as organic as long as they meet a certain percentage point. This often means that many tomatoes aren’t purely organic; instead, you might consider a brand labeled as such.
One of the best ways to choose organic tomatoes is to grow your own. Planting tomatoes requires seeds, organic soil, and plenty of air circulation. This type of produce also needs a lot of sun to grow, so you might consider planting the seeds during times of the year when there is an ample amount of ultraviolet light.
In addition to where to locate organic tomatoes, you’ll also need to determine which types you want. The smaller versions, like grapes and cherry tomatoes, are perfect additions to salads and can also be eaten on their own as a snack. Heirloom tomatoes are some of the most common around and are larger in size, so they’re easier to chop and place in different dishes.