Best pairings for sour cream sauces?

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Sour cream is a versatile and delicious food that can enhance the flavor of many dishes, from meats and vegetables to desserts. It can be mixed with a variety of flavors and used as a condiment or dip. Sour cream also pairs well with vegetables, especially potatoes, and can be used in desserts.

There are many reasons to love sour cream dips, but they all come down to one thing. Sour cream is probably the most surprisingly delicious food in the universe because its satiny smooth texture and rich layers of flavor can handle just about any food the home cook could throw its way. Foods that are enhanced by sour cream sauces include all types of meat and fish, vegetables, fruits, and even rich puddings or pie desserts.

So innocent and pure white and delicious is the sour cream in your mouth. Part of her appeal, however, is that she has the ability to bite subtly. It tastes wonderful in the mouth and just as wonderful after being swallowed as the echo of its flavors reverberate in the memory of the mouth. Sour cream sauces can handle 100-plus flavor playmates, from herbs and garlic to sugar and lemony. Its ability to accommodate a world of flavors into its creamy self makes it a natural condiment for everything from soup to nuts.

Mixing a pot of salsa into sour cream makes a great predinner dip for corn chips, carrots, and more. Herbed sour cream and mayonnaise spreads have successfully outperformed many canapés. A dollop of curry sour cream makes an otherwise bland bowl of black bean soup sit and sing.

Red meat, poultry and pork give a kick to sour cream and onion sauces to which a squeeze of lemon or lime has been added, along with a handful of chopped fresh herbs. Cooks who like to turn up the heat can add chiles or a dash of hot sauce to bring an otherwise well-mannered sour cream sauce to center stage. Delicate fish that would swim in terror from such intensely flavored sauces will flip their happy tails over a sour cream sauce made from mustard, lemon and capers.

If sour cream could talk, it’d tell the world it’s never met a vegetable it didn’t love. It is especially striking served over cold beets with a little orange zest or diluted with lemon juice for use with asparagus. Everyone knows that potatoes and sour cream have been best friends since the dawn of time. Proving friendship requires just enough imagination to throw in some chopped bacon, thinly sliced ​​shallots, or a few walnut pieces.

Dreamy, creamy sour cream sauces for desserts are easy to whip up. The fruit loves to be dipped in a combination of sour cream and cream cheese with a few drops of almond or vanilla extract and a little lemon. The richly moist chocolate cake flips and purrs as sour cream, cream cheese and melted chocolate or caramel sauce drip onto its surface.

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