When choosing platinum jewelry, look for high purity content (at least 85% pure platinum) with cobalt or ruthenium alloys for durability. Soft metals scratch easily. Protect your investment with regular care and polishing.
Whether you’re choosing a new platinum necklace or a platinum ring, the most important thing to look for in platinum jewelry is usually the purity content of the metal. Platinum jewelry with a high purity content is more durable and has a higher value, while pieces mixed with large amounts of other metals are generally a more affordable option. If you’re looking for long-lasting wear and the highest shine, look for platinum jewelry that contains at least 85% pure platinum. Additional metals alloyed with the platinum should be cobalt or ruthenium, as less expensive metals like iridium weaken and wear out more quickly.
The purity content of a piece of platinum jewelry is measured in parts per thousand, which means that a piece of 950 platinum jewelry is made of 95% pure platinum. Jewelry with 85% and 95% are the most common, with both percentages considered to be of high quality. Some jewelers offer pieces with platinum percentages as low as 58.5%, although such pieces will be less durable and could easily scratch or dull. Platinum jewelry with a higher percentage of pure platinum is considered to be of higher quality. However, buyers who want platinum jewelry at an affordable price may benefit from choosing a design that uses less expensive metal.
Platinum is often used for fine jewelry, heirloom pieces, and wedding and engagement rings, as it is much stronger than other metals. If you are looking for platinum wedding jewelry, it is best to choose a ring that combines another hard metal such as cobalt or ruthenium with the platinum, as this will improve the durability of the ring. Soft metals lose their shine faster, can be easily scratched, and are more susceptible to tarnishing. Before you make a final decision, you should also know that platinum can be more difficult for jewelers than other metals. Finding a jeweler with experience working with platinum is important if you need a custom design made with intricate detail.
When choosing new platinum jewelry pieces, it’s important to look for designs that match your tastes and lifestyle. To protect your jewelry, you should avoid wearing it in strenuous situations or during physical work, as these activities could scratch or damage the accessories. Look for pieces that are easy to remove or cover, as well as pieces that are simple and understated. After you invest money in a high-quality piece of platinum jewelry, protect your investment with regular care, cleaning, and polishing to keep it looking like new.