When choosing a police school, consider graduate employment rates, program length, relationships with law enforcement agencies, and reputation. Look for statistics on graduate employment and starting salaries, and ask for detailed reports. The length of the program ranges from six months to three years, and it’s important to ensure it provides the necessary training. Check for connections to law enforcement agencies and opportunities for experience. Reputation is also important, so research news and talk to employment officials.
There are four things to consider when choosing the best police school: graduate employment rates, program length, relationships with local, state, and federal agencies, and reputation. The police school offers post-secondary training programs specifically designed to meet the requirements of the associated law enforcement agency. These programs focus on criminal law, standard law enforcement practices, physical contact techniques, and basic psychology.
Upon successful completion of law enforcement school, a graduate may seek employment opportunities in law enforcement or security agencies. Starting salaries vary widely by agency and location, but generally range between $20,000 and $35,000 per year. Most police positions rotate on a seven-day schedule.
When selecting the best police school, look for published statistics on the graduate employment rate at six and 12 months after graduation. These statistics often include starting salaries, as well as indicators of whether positions are full-time, contract, or part-time. Ask the alumni office for detailed reports from the last five to ten years. These reports provide more details such as the actual employer, starting position and general industry. This is the best way to determine whether graduates are finding employment as police officers or security officers.
The length of the program to become a police office ranges from six months to three years. The best schools offer summer courses and employment opportunities to allow students to graduate faster. It’s important to remember that potential employers often require your final exam scores. Make sure the program provides the depth and breadth of training needed to help you pass the entrance tests and exams required to become a police officer.
Read the program brochure and talk to the enrollment counselor about connections to local, state, and federal law enforcement authorities. Analyze the frequency of job fairs, speeches, presentations and networking opportunities organized with employees of these agencies. Ask about summer internship positions, work placement agreements and other programs. This exposure is key to gaining experience and making valuable contacts.
The reputation of a police school is very important. Browse news over the past 10 years for information on major school scandals or issues. Talk to employment officials about the school’s reputation and the overall quality of graduates. The best police schools work hard to train police officers to a higher standard and their reputation shows.