Propane stoves come in various sizes and designs, including portable options for outdoor use. They are similar to natural gas stoves and can be converted for use with either gas. Safety features and warranties should be considered when purchasing. Outdoor stoves should never be used indoors.
A propane stove for the home is much like any other stove. These stoves look similar and have similar features to the natural gas stoves found in many kitchens. There are also portable variations of the propane stove, often called camp stoves or portable stoves designed for outdoor use, such as for camping, picnics, barbecues, or tailgate parties. Depending on your intended use, you will need to determine which type, size and possibly brand best fits your needs. Check for safety features, parts that may be included or must be purchased separately, and keep a copy of any warranties.
If you wish to have a propane stove in your home, it is very similar to a natural gas stove and allows for open fire cooking. Stoves can be converted for use with either type of gas, and cooking with propane isn’t all that different from cooking with natural gas. Adjust the flame as appropriate and follow the usual directions for your favorite recipes.
Outdoor propane stoves are perfect for cookouts and especially for adventures because they are portable. Keep in mind that a stove designed for outdoor use should never be used indoors or in enclosed spaces. A kitchen stove is designed differently, while a camp stove still emits enough carbon monoxide to be dangerous when used indoors.
There are various designs for the propane stove, including some that fold up and are carried as-is, while others include a special case. Some are simple with one burner, while others may have two, three or four burners or include a griddle, allowing you to prepare an entire meal at once. You may only need one burner to heat specific items, or you may decide you prefer multiple burners, even if you don’t always use them all at once.
Once you’ve decided on the size and type of propane stove, you’d like to look at other details. An integrated ignition is a good feature, as it makes lighting the stove easier and safer. There are two types, electronic ignition and flint. The former works with a single press of the power button, which will keep trying to light the stove until it succeeds. The latter requires you to keep pressing the button again and again until success is achieved.
Also, verify that all assembly hardware and other parts or accessories are included with the propane stove purchase, such as a hose and gas regulator. If not, check the list of appropriate parts and make sure they are readily available and reasonably priced, or you may want to look for a different brand. Compare warranties and keep in mind that most warranties do not cover damage if the stove is used improperly.