Rapini, also known as broccoli rabe, broccoletti or canola broccoli, is a member of the cabbage family with slender stems and small broccoli-like florets. Fresh, firm rapini is best and should be cooked carefully to reduce bitterness. It can be sauteed or steamed with garlic or other seasonings, but should never be boiled. Blanching before cooking can reduce bitterness. Slightly wilted specimens are still edible but require special cooking.
Rapini is a relative of common broccoli, which goes by many different names. You can identify this vegetable by its slender stems and small broccoli-like florets. The best rapini is fresh, crisp and firm, with small stems, no browning or discoloration, and no visible flowers. Even very fresh rapini tends to be slightly bitter and needs to be cooked carefully. Older rapini are still edible, but may not produce good results when used in recipes.
Markets sell this member of the cabbage family using many different monikers. This vegetable is known as broccoli rabe, broccoletti or canola broccoli. You may also see it sold as rappi, fiarelli or raab. A purple Chinese variety is known as hon tsai tai. This plant looks a lot like kai-lan or Chinese broccoli and tastes similar, but it’s not the same vegetable.
Raab is relatively easy to identify, looks a bit like conventional broccoli, and also resembles a bunch of turnip greens. It has thin stems with large, ragged leaves and relatively small clusters of tight flower buds. The stem, buds and leaves are light to bright green.
Fresh, firm rabe produces the best flavor and texture in foods. The leaves should be crisp and green, with no yellow, brown, or dry spots. The best rapini has slender stems that bend slightly, but hold some spring and don’t look wilted. Avoid clusters that have dark or discolored spots, as well as specimens with fully or partially open flowers. The yellow flowers of this vegetable can be attractive, but they can make the plant even more bitter. In general, florets contain more bitter compounds than rapini, so you should choose bunches that have relatively few buds for a milder flavor.
Broccoli rabe does well when lightly cooked with other strongly flavored foods. It can be sauteed or steamed with garlic or other seasonings, but should never be boiled, as this reduces its crunchiness and increases its bitterness. This vegetable always has a slightly bitter undertone, the strength of which varies from bunch to bunch. Blanching before cooking for the final dish can reduce the bitter taste, as can the use of strong sweet, salty or acidic flavors. Some cooks peel the stems to improve texture and taste.
Slightly wilted specimens are still edible, but require special cooking. You can store broccoli rabe in the refrigerator for several days without a problem, but it may lose its freshness after longer periods. Remove any soft or discolored areas, then blanch the rabe before cooking further. Quickly boil or roast this vegetable and add it to stews, soups or casseroles containing strong flavors, such as pepperoni or lemon juice. If the texture of the broccoli rage is very thin, you can puree it for use in soup or sauces.