Choose the appropriate research paper structure based on the type of paper and style guide used. The structure typically includes an introduction, body, conclusion, and bibliography. Follow the style guide for citation and formatting requirements.
To choose the best research paper structure, start by considering the type of research paper you are writing and the type of style guide you are using. You could use the Modern Language Association or the American Psychological Association style guide, for example, each with different requirements for research paper structure. In addition, you will generally structure the research paper so that it is read in the most logical order, with each supporting argument presented in a logical sequence.
Most of the time, you will not choose the style guide for your research framework yourself, but will be assigned by the instructor. It’s best to buy the style guide and keep it for reference; this will help you learn how to cite sources, for example, as well as what research paper elements you may need to include. In some style guides, a summary is required, while others do not require this search element.
Once you’ve determined which style guide you’ll use, it’s up to you to create your research framework. Most research papers are not merely informative, but present a thesis that serves as an argument. Within the research paper, you will attempt to prove this point using research and factual examples from other sources, or published expert opinions.
There are a few ways to choose your research framework. You can start by presenting all the facts that support your thesis, followed by examples of some opposing arguments. You can also choose to start with opposing arguments and then refute them as you go along. If your research paper is less argumentative and more informative, you can present all the important information in chronological order or in any order that is easier for the reader to follow.
In general, the basic elements of a research paper are the same. This includes an introductory paragraph, which provides an introduction to the paper and also includes the thesis statement. The body of research paper follows, divided into paragraphs, each with an individual subject per paragraph. A conclusion ends the article and reaffirms the thesis, in most cases. This is usually followed by a bibliography of sources used to write the article. Keeping it simple and following this standard structure of research work is generally the best way to go, unless otherwise instructed by a professor or professor.