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Best tampon machine: how to choose?


Installing a tampon machine in restrooms can be an overlooked part of customer service. Companies should consult female staff on the types of tampons to offer and which machines are best suited. Durability, safety, and offering multiple options should also be considered.

Excellence in customer service is usually a goal of every business in the market. While companies may focus on products, distribution and handling complaints as the most important thing, meeting personal needs is also part of customer service. Installing a tampon machine in employee or customer restrooms can be a simple yet overlooked part of customer service. Choosing the best tampon machine involves a few different activities just like any other business decision. The most important ones include consulting women on the tampon machine, researching current machines offered, and deciding whether or not to offer multiple tampons and evaluating charges for dispensed.

Men shouldn’t always be the only decision makers in a company. Executive teams made up of male majorities should not be blamed solely for making these kinds of decisions. Women can bring particular insight to decision-making processes of all kinds. Selection of a tampon machine, however, is certainly a decision on which to consult female staff at all levels. Companies should leverage their female workforce to determine the types of tampons to offer and which machines might be best suited for placement in company restrooms. It may also be helpful for women to discuss the issue first and bring it up in a management meeting.

Many types of tampon machines are available on the market, usually through various suppliers, third parties and directly from tampon manufacturers. A few different types include built-in models or models that attach externally to a wall. Selecting an internal model is a necessary decision when constructing a new building; these units go directly into the wall and can be steel in construction. A plastic tampon machine can usually be attached to a wall using screws or other fasteners, making the machine a better choice for existing bathrooms. Durability and safety measures for each machine must also be considered.

A pad machine can typically dispense several types of pads. The goal here is to offer different options based on user preference or need, as women may be affected differently at different times. Companies often need to select a machine with multiple slots to offer women’s preferred brands or types of tampons. Charging a small fee for using tampons is also another important decision. While it is not preferable to make money from individuals in a personal situation, tampons are not free for the company.

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