Best tips for grilling zucchini?

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Zucchini is great for grilling and can be cooked on its own or wrapped in foil. Choose a firm, dark green zucchini and grill over medium heat for 4 minutes on each side. Use nonstick spray to prevent sticking and check for doneness by lifting a slice with tongs.

The high water content of zucchini makes it wonderful for grilling, allowing it to steam in its own juices while picking up the natural flavor of the grill. This vegetable can be grilled on its own, on a grill, or wrapped in foil. All you need to grill zucchini is a ripe zucchini, a grill pan, oil, and salt and pepper. The results are an easy and delicious side dish or meal.

A zucchini should be selected at the right maturity for best grilling, preferably just before seed development. The courgettes should be picked or sorted at the supermarket while still quite small, about 13-18cm. This vegetable should also be quite firm and have a smooth skin. The color should be a deep, dark green, but can also be white or yellow for the rarer varieties. Zucchini harvested after the seeds have formed are best used for baking in muffins and breads rather than grilled.

The most common method of grilling zucchini is to cut the zucchini crosswise or lengthwise. The slices can then be coated in olive oil, salt and pepper and grilled or marinated for a few hours and then grilled. Grilled zucchini should be done over medium heat. This temperature is reached when the cook’s hand can be held approximately 3 inches from the grate for five seconds before having to remove it.

To keep the zucchini from sticking to the grill, it’s best to polish the grill with a nonstick spray. This will also help sear the zucchini and develop grid lines on the surface of the slices. The slices should be placed on the grill for four minutes, then turned and cooked for another four minutes on the other side. To determine if the slices are done cooking, grab a slice by the edge with some tongs and lift it off the grill. The zucchini should still be slightly firm, not mushy, and should bend slightly when lifted.

Zucchini can also be grilled using a rack by arranging them in the rack and placing them directly on the grill. Cooking this way will take about 6-7 minutes per side because the slices are farthest from the heat and won’t directly contact the hot grill. This method will produce no or only faint grid lines on the slices.

Grilling zucchini in a foil packet is another simple method. To start, coat the zucchini slices in oil or marinate them. Place the zucchini and any other vegetables to be grilled in the center of a large piece of aluminum foil. Bring the edges of the foil around the vegetable to make a tightly sealed package. Place the packet on the grill for 15-20 minutes.

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