Best tips for making Mexican Christmas food?

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Traditional Mexican Christmas celebrations involve religion, community, and spicy, flavorful food. Fish, mole sauce, and chocolate desserts are common, and traditional ingredients like cornmeal and beans should be included. Large portions and diverse options are recommended to accommodate guests.

A traditional Mexican Christmas is an extended event that celebrates religion and community. These factors should be taken into consideration when designing meal accompaniments and determining the size and makeup of the menu. Additionally, traditional Mexican flavors, such as corn-based tortilla chips, spicy foods, and chocolate desserts, are likely to be incorporated into the meal. Holiday dining, however, is also largely driven by food availability, so there is no uniform, standard menu.

Spiciness is a staple of Mexican food, so it will likely play a prominent role in traditional Mexican food for Christmas. Therefore, a lot of peppers, garlic, onions and similar spices should be on hand. A popular Mexican condiment, mole sauce, is made with the above ingredients along with other additives like nuts, olive oil, and breadcrumbs. A fruity salad called ensalada de Noche Buena is often served as a prelude and contrast to these more intensely flavored foods.

Another common component of traditional Mexican food for Christmas is fish. In particular, cooks may want to purchase cod and shrimp, as they are fixtured into two common Mexican holiday dishes: bacalao a la vizcaina and romeritos. Christmas fish dishes such as these are often dried, salted and enriched with additional ingredients such as potatoes and peppers.

Desserts are a staple of many regional Christmas celebrations, and Mexican food for Christmas is no exception. Many of these dishes require baking and careful oven keeper, such as the concluding Mexican Christmas dessert Rosca de Reyes. This bread plate includes many traditional Mexican Christmas cooking features, including spice enhancements, sweet glazes, and the inclusion of religious figurines that reflect the spirit and tradition of the season.

Sweetness is also the driving characteristic of many Mexican Christmas drinks. In particular, rich chocolate should be sought out, as it is the centerpiece of the famous hot chocolate drink al caliente and also an important historical culinary component of Mexican culture. Peppermint and whipping cream are the ideal complements to this extra-sweet Mexican favorite. A boiled fruit punch made from sugar cane, nuts, cinnamon and alcohol is also popular.

Some foods and ingredients are almost synonymous with Mexican culture, and as such traditional Mexican food for Christmas might not be complete without them. Mexico introduced the world to many now popular ingredients, such as tomatoes, peanuts and beans. These ingredients can add some Mexican flavor to a traditional dish. Additionally, skilled tortilla making, using another Mexican device, cornmeal, can help produce traditional Mexican favorites like tamales. To make tortillas, cooks should focus on precision: accurately measuring the balance of water and cornmeal and finding the right temperature for the griddle or pan used to cook the tortillas.

Tradition is instilled in making Mexican food for Christmas, so any cultural celebrations surrounding real food should be honored and respected. A traditional Mexican Christmas party can often last for several weeks, with several community-oriented and family-oriented events. Reading and reenacting spiritual passages, singing and dancing, and participating in popular festivities like piñata breaking and poinsettia flower displays all help set the right mood for Mexican Christmas food preparations.

Keeping in mind the grand nature of a Mexican Christmas, people should create meals with quantity and diversity. Large portions are recommended, as Mexican Christmas gatherings tend to have substantial numbers of guests. Since people are unique in their culinary tastes, it is recommended that you also offer a few alternative dishes for each course.

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