Best tips for online anonymity?

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To increase online anonymity, use proxies or software to block IP addresses and control personal information. Social networks compromise anonymity, so use avatars, never give out personal information, and review privacy settings. Investigate retailers’ privacy policies and consider conducting business offline.

There are several ways to increase anonymity online, but people who use the Internet must remain vigilant in achieving and maintaining this state. Some help is obtained by using proxies or software that can block Internet Protocol or IP addresses. Other tips involve controlling the flow of personal information you provide over the Internet through activities such as blogging, shopping, or participating in social networks.

Many Internet security experts point out that most people don’t realize when they surf the net that they are constantly leaking information about themselves. This information can include things like what kind of software and hardware they’re using and a general location, like the city, they’re connected from. Location information is provided via the IP address, which all computers generate when they are online.

One way to get more anonymity online is to search sites through so-called proxy servers. There are many available for free, although some can be slow to use and filled with ads. When a site is accessed through a proxy, the generated IP address belongs to the proxy and not to the individual’s computer. This reduces the likelihood that any website can identify a person’s location. Alternatively, a number of software programs or packages generate fake IP addresses that provide no information about the computer user’s location. Each of these options protects your real IP address and gives you more online anonymity.

Software and proxy servers do the job for the Internet user, but online anonymity cannot be achieved without thoughtful participation of computer users. Many cyber privacy experts have suggested that social networks will always deprive people of a certain amount of anonymity. Their suggestions for participating in social networks like Facebook® or other social media like blogs and comments include the following:

Never use a real name for any of these sites
Use avatars instead of photos
Don’t sign blogs or comments with a real name
Never give out location or family information
Don’t befriend people unless you’re sure they’re trustworthy
Carefully review the privacy settings of social networking sites and be aware of changes, which happen often.
It’s hard not to want to divulge more and interact with friends, but the goal of online anonymity diminishes with every piece of information a person places on the Internet. It is also important to increase your anonymity by understanding the rules of any banking or shopping site. Most large Internet retailers should also have well-written privacy policies that explain whether they will sell or use consumer information, including consumer buying preferences, in any way in the future. A little investigation can help people find retailers or other service sites like online banks that offer the most online anonymity. When in doubt, people can still conduct a great deal of business through the mail, telephone, or at local service providers or retailers.

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