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Best tips for potty training kids?


Potty training boys involves teaching them to use the toilet in both sitting and standing positions. Starting when they are ready, showing examples, and maintaining a regular schedule are important. Using a child-sized potty or seat adapter is recommended, and acknowledging successful eliminations with praise and rewards can help.

The process of potty training boys is similar to that of training girls, but there are a few key differences that require special attention. The main difference is that boys must be taught the toileting process in both a sitting and standing position. The best way to approach training is to stick to a regular schedule, give good examples of how to approach going to the bathroom, and persevere with patience and an encouraging manner.

With all children it is important to start exercising when they are ready. Trying to start too early can impede progress. Most guys are old enough to start exercising when they realize when they’re purging. A child can be trained from 18 months to 4 years. Boys usually train later than girls.

One of the most effective ways to start potty training children is to show them examples of how using the toilet should be approached. Let the guy observe a male family member or trusted friend using the bathroom. Also show him books and videos on potty training.

Once your child understands the basics of the toilet process, buy him a child-sized potty or seat adapter for the regular toilet. Potties are best for children who find it intimidating to start potty training on an adult seat. If your child is comfortable using a seat adapter, make sure the seat fits securely over the regular toilet seat, and provide a step stool so they can access the toilet on their own. In general, it’s best not to purchase a potty with a urine guard, as this feature can scratch your child’s penis and discourage him from exercising.

When potty training a child, it is best to have him start in a sitting position to avoid clutter and the potential distraction of splashing on the floor or wall. Train your child to sit on the potty by having him sit on the seat at regular intervals. He may feel more comfortable starting this process fully clothed before moving on to potty training with his pants down. Dress your child in clothes that are easy to access so that he or she can learn to use the bathroom completely on their own.

Maintaining a regular schedule is an important element of successful potty training boys. Schedule potty training around regular events, such as when your child wakes up or when you leave the house. Start with one or two attempts a day, increasing the number of potty sessions to once every two to three hours. If it helps, set a timer to remind your child when it’s time to go to the potty.
After your child is comfortable in the potty sitting, it’s time to start getting him up while using the bathroom. If he’s reluctant to urinate standing up, he cuts a piece of paper in the shape of a sapling, puts it in the bowl, and encourages him to try watering the tree. To increase her feeling of involvement, she invites the child to help build the tree.

When potty training, it’s important to acknowledge successful eliminations in a pleasant, but not overly enthusiastic way. Make sure your child knows that accidents are okay and always praise him for his efforts. If he starts to lose interest in working out, encourage him with stickers or small treats. Keep a chart of mundane successes and offer a bigger reward, like a trip to the zoo, for a series of successful endeavors.
