Best tips for prototyping inventions?

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Creating non-working prototypes can help inventors understand how well their inventions work. Cheaper manufacturers and technology can reduce costs, and building prototypes in-house can save money. Using existing parts and tweaking plans can also help cut costs.

Building prototype inventions can be the most expensive and difficult part of developing inventions, but there are some ways to make the process a little easier. Creating non-working prototype inventions can be beneficial, because they give the inventor an idea of ​​how well working prototypes or products work. Prototyping can be very expensive, so it may be worthwhile to look for cheaper manufacturers or use technology that cuts costs. If the inventor builds his own prototypes, at least the first one, it should reduce costs and could help the inventor proceed with further prototypes and models. Buying parts is sometimes unavoidable, but an inventor can cut costs by trying to build his prototypes using parts he already has on hand.

Making working prototype inventions can be very expensive, and if the prototype is not as good as a commercial product or too difficult to make, it can leave an inventor in a lot of debt. If an inventor creates a non-functional prototype to begin with, this can help shape the prototype plan and can help the inventor know if the prototype should move on to the next stage of construction. Using cheaper, even if not cheap, materials can make prototypes easier to build and serve as a good substitute for the real invention.

If an inventor can find a way to reduce costs early on, then prototyping inventions should be much easier. For example, if the inventor looks at many different manufacturers, he may find one that will offer their services at a lower price. Using cheaper technology can also help with prototyping. While a plastic mold may be the ideal way to make a prototype, a three-dimensional (3D) printer can usually form a similar object, but the process should be much cheaper.

For early versions, an inventor should focus on creating prototype inventions on their own. This should show the inventor what parts are needed, which can help in choosing a manufacturer. Building the product in house usually reduces costs.
When prototype inventions require custom parts, it takes extra time and money to build those parts, and these things make it more difficult to build a full prototype. Unless unavoidable, an inventor should try to make an invention that uses existing parts. If the original plans call for custom parts, the inventor may be able to find a way to replace them with existing parts by tweaking the plans a bit.

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