Cucumbers are difficult to store due to their high water content, but pickling is a popular method. It’s important to follow pickling recipes carefully and use the right type of salt. Refrigerator pickles are an alternative. The best cucumbers for pickling are small and bumpy. Canning jars are the best containers, and pickling jars and contents need to be heated to achieve an airtight seal. Refrigerator pickles can last up to two months and take at least a week to absorb seasonings.
Storing cucumbers is a challenge as cucumbers are made up of cellulose and water. Therefore, they do not freeze and thaw well or dry and rehydrate well. The typical method for storing cucumbers is to pickle and pickle the cucumbers. Pickling recipes should always be followed carefully, using the right type of salt and heating the jars to the proper temperature. Instead of canning, there is the option of making refrigerator pickles.
There are many pickling recipes with flavors ranging from sweet to savory to sour. Following the pickling recipe exactly is important. Reducing or increasing the amount of certain ingredients, such as salt, vinegar or the cucumbers themselves, can cause the growth of dangerous bacteria or compromise shelf life. Likewise, all canning equipment should be cleaned before use.
The best preserving cucumbers are called pickled cucumbers. These are small, typically no longer than 15cm, and have bumpy skin that can be prickly. They can be marinated whole or sliced. Other types of cucumbers have thick skins that won’t absorb the pickling liquid. Storing cucumbers that are no more than a day old offers the best results.
Pickling recipes typically call for salt, but regular table salt won’t work. It can darken the color of the liquid and cucumbers. Pickling or salt canning is the best choice. It’s also best to use whole spices rather than powdered ones since powdered spices can make the liquid cloudy.
Canning jars are the best containers for storing pickles. Size should be chosen carefully because very small pots will involve additional washing, filling and canning. Even large jars can create problems, especially if only one or two individuals will be eating the pickle jar. After opening, pickles should be stored in the refrigerator, so it’s also helpful to consider available refrigerator space before canning.
The pickling jars and contents need to be heated to a certain temperature to achieve a seal on the lid and create an effective airtight lock. Canning can take minutes or hours depending on the method and equipment. Some individuals don’t appreciate the amount of preparation and number of tools required for canning and prefer to produce another form of preserved cucumbers known as “refrigerator pickles.”
To make refrigerator pickles, heated pickling liquid is poured over cucumbers, which are packaged in typical jars. The canning lids are screwed on tightly and typically seal within a couple of hours, as the concoction reaches room temperature. The jars are placed in the refrigerator. Refrigerator pickles need to be kept in a cold environment to maintain freshness, but they can last up to two months. Depending on the recipe, the pickles may have reached optimal flavor within a day or two, but more typically it takes at least a week for the vegetables to absorb the seasonings.