Best vitamin D capsules: how to choose?

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Proper levels of vitamin D can prevent or remedy various health problems. Deficiency can be addressed with vitamin D softgels, but it’s important to choose the right form, strength, and formulation. Vitamin D levels can be checked with a 25-hydroxyvitamin D test, and supplementing with D3 softgels is recommended. Other vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium and vitamin K, can enhance the benefits of vitamin D. Supplementing with vitamin D can be especially important during winter or in areas with limited sun exposure.

Vitamin D is an essential hormone in the body. Proper levels can help prevent or remedy many health problems, including cancer, depression, fatigue, diabetes, osteoporosis, and many more. After taking a test that suggests you are deficient, you may want to look into suitable vitamin D softgels to take for supplementation purposes. To choose the best vitamin D softgels, you’ll need to pay attention to the form of the vitamin you’re buying, how strong the softgels are, and what other vitamins and minerals the softgels include in their formulations.

It is recommended that people have vitamin D levels of 50–80 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) or 125–200 nanomoles per liter (nmol/L). To check where your levels are, get a 25-hydroxyvitamin D test, which may also be called a 25(OH)D test. If you find you’re deficient, you can look at vitamin D softgels as a way to boost your levels .

You may be wondering what type of vitamin D softgels you should use as supplements. If you are supplementing, the best type of vitamin D softgels to choose are those made with D3 or cholecalciferol. Excessive consumption of D3 can lead to toxicity problems, but cases of this are rare. Ingesting high D2, or ergocalciferol, which is available only by prescription, has a much higher chance of toxicity. Some research suggests that D3 is the superior form of vitamin D to supplement, because its properties closely mirror the type of vitamin D that is produced in the body after healthy exposure to sunlight.

Taking the proper strength of D3 softgels can be an important part of raising your vitamin D levels. Some doctors recommend that patients take 1,000 international units (IU) of D3 per 25-35 pounds (11.4 kg-15.9 kg) of body weight. Some patients may need to take up to 10,000 IU of D3 per day to see an increase in their vitamin D levels. Vitamin D softgels are available in various strength strengths for your particular needs. Weight isn’t the only factor that can influence how much vitamin D you need to take; Age, skin color, location, season of the year, and sun exposure habits can also help determine how much you need to take.

Choosing a vitamin D capsule with other vitamins and minerals may be beneficial for you. Vitamin D has a reputation of working best when certain other vitamins or minerals are present, such as magnesium, vitamin K, zinc, boron, or vitamin A. Of these vitamins and minerals, magnesium and vitamin K may be the most important. Therefore, you may want to choose the vitamin D softgels with magnesium and vitamin K in them to get the most out of your supplementation.

Sunlight is one of the natural sources of vitamin D. You may be deficient in vitamin D as winter approaches, or you may live in an area where sun exposure is limited. As such, your vitamin D needs may increase. Supplementing with vitamin D can be an easy way to keep your vitamin D levels up and ensure you’re getting enough of the vitamin all year long.

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