Best ways to use broccoli stem?

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Don’t throw away broccoli stems – they can be peeled and used in a variety of ways, such as roasting, steaming, or adding to soups. They are just as nutritious as the florets and can be cooked in the same way.

Many people simply cut the florets off the top of the broccoli and then toss the stem, thinking it’s too chewy or tasteless to eat. That’s not the case, however, and there are plenty of ways to use up nutritious and tasty broccoli stem with a little extra effort. The first step in any case is to simply peel it using a knife or peeler. Then it can be roasted or steamed just like broccoli florets, tossed in a skillet, or stirred into stuffed broccoli soup.

The stem of broccoli is often perceived as too tough to eat, with good reason. The outside of the broccoli stem is actually quite tough and stringy, and wouldn’t be very good to eat; this layer is relatively thin, however. Simply stripping it away with a knife or peeler will reveal a softer stalk underneath, similar to the smaller stalks found on broccoli florets. This serving is just as nutritious as the rest of the broccoli, loaded with nutrients and fiber, and can also be eaten raw or with some flavored dip for a quick and easy snack.

Of course, there are many other ways to use the broccoli stem as well. Once cut into bite-sized pieces or strips, it tastes very good cooked in a pan with other vegetables, meat, or tofu. Many people will roast it with a little olive oil and flavorings like fresh garlic. For a simple and healthy option, it can be steamed and eaten plain, with a little water in the microwave or over a double boiler on the stove. As a general rule, the stem of peeled broccoli can be cooked any way you cook broccoli florets.

Another very popular way to use broccoli stem is with different varieties of soup. It can be used in bite-sized chunks in mixed vegetable soup and will add texture just as celery often does. Another option is to blend the broccoli stem in a food processor and use it to make cream of broccoli or similar soup using blended cheeses. It’s easy to experiment with various recipes, and once mixed, the flavor of the broccoli will blend perfectly with the soup. Most people certainly won’t be able to tell whether the stem or the florets were used.

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