When buying wholesale handbags, choose classic styles and a few latest trends. Consider a vendor that ships for you, offers accessories, and has a secure site. Look at all costs, check reviews, and ask for catalogs.
Wholesale handbags can be a great option for those who want to retail accessories. Many women enjoy collecting a variety of handbags to match select outfits. Choosing the best will largely depend on your market, but there are some general tips and ideas to keep in mind. High fashion is great, but being too fashionable can be risky. Classic styles are not to be overlooked.
When shopping for handbags wholesale, you’ll obviously want to select at least a few of the latest styles and colors. Popular trends tend to be good money makers. At the same time, fashions come and go, and you don’t want to be stuck with a large inventory of wholesale handbags that have quickly gone out of style. Fads are even more risky if they are especially outlandish, such as being extremely large or small, or oddly shaped or colored.
Another option when it comes to wholesale handbags is to choose a vendor that ships the shipment for you so you don’t have to carry inventory at all. This is a great way to start a business, if you can find a reputable company to work with, as keeping your overhead low will help you start making a profit sooner. Be sure to ask for details, such as those related to return policies. Find out if the company will ship the shipment directly to their customers using their label.
You may also want to consider a line that also offers wholesale accessories. You can create beautiful gift packs that include matching wallets, change purses, make-up bags, glasses cases, key rings and other accessories to go with your bags. You can also include one of these items as a gift when a customer makes a certain number of purchases.
When shopping for wholesale handbags online, be sure to look at all costs, including shipping and handling. While a wholesaler may list a lower bulk or unit price, shipping charges may be higher, negating any savings. Shopping online also gives you the advantage of doing some quick research on the company or companies that interest you. Check with the Better Business Bureau or other agencies, and look up their names on review sites.
Any company you want to buy wholesale purses from should offer a secure site or toll-free number for transactions. It’s also a good idea to check the privacy policy to make sure your information is not being sold to third parties. If you are not comfortable shopping online, consider ordering by mail or buying over the phone. Also, ask the seller to send you free catalogs or updated catalogs via email as new wholesale handbag designs become available.