Business hours vary based on factors such as location, business type, and size. Some businesses operate 24/7 to accommodate global customers. Retail stores, restaurants, and entertainment businesses tend to operate on weekends, while modified hours are common on holidays.
Business hours are the ordinary hours during which a company is open for business. The specific hours a business is open can vary based on a number of factors, including the type of business, the location of the business, and the size and scope of the business. In many parts of the world, the most common business hours are from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, although in other parts of the world business hours can be much shorter or much longer. They can also be scaled. Hotels, airports, bars, clubs and other businesses may keep hours that are very different from the norm.
A business owner can determine their own business hours to best accommodate customers as well as the needs of the owner and employees. Some retail stores, for example, may be open from 8 am to 9 am until 9 pm or later. Convenience stores and gas stations often advertise themselves as open 24 hours a day, and some bars or clubs may not open until early evening. They may close late at night or early in the morning; its business hours are sometimes dictated by local laws.
Companies that do business across a continent or even around the world can maintain business hours that accommodate telephone correspondence or Internet conferencing. Some companies even operate at some level 24 hours a day to accommodate global customers across different time zones. Within a given country, a business may open late or very early to accommodate customers on the other side of the continent.
It is not uncommon to find a company that also maintains business hours on weekends, although traditionally business hours were maintained only on weekdays. Retail stores, restaurants, and entertainment businesses tend to thrive on weekends, so they are more likely to maintain hours of operation on weekends. Banks also sometimes keep their opening hours truncated on weekends. A common practice among many companies is to maintain hours from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, or an equally short schedule, on Saturdays and Sundays. Other businesses will be closed on weekends entirely.
Modified hours of operation are also common on holidays. This could mean that a business is closed or only open for a short time over the holiday, or it could mean that the business has extended hours. Retail establishments often have extended hours during the holidays, particularly around Christmas time.
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