Brachial plexus birth injury is nerve damage in the arm caused by a difficult birth. Most babies recover without medical intervention, but if signs persist, surgery or other treatments may be necessary. The injury can cause weakness, slow reflexes, and difficulty with arm movements. Treatment options include surgery and physical therapy, but the prognosis is difficult to estimate. Careful observation is recommended to monitor for any changes in severity or new symptoms.
A brachial plexus birth injury is a form of nerve damage in the arm caused by a difficult or long birth. The vast majority of babies with a brachial plexus birth injury recover on their own without the need for medical intervention, although it may take several months. If signs of injury persist beyond three to four months, your baby may need surgery or other treatments to address permanent nerve damage. Working with a neurologist to regularly evaluate a child with this type of injury will help parents make treatment decisions.
The brachial plexus could be considered the literal nerve center of the arm. It is a bundle of nerves that leads to various parts of the arm, wrist and hand. During delivery, it can be injured by squeezing or stretching, most commonly when a baby develops shoulder dystocia during delivery. If the baby’s arm is stretched or the shoulder is pushed out of position, it can strain the nerves and cause a brachial plexus injury to the birth.
Your child’s arm may feel weak and floppy. Reflexes develop more slowly in the injured arm, with the child having difficulty grasping with fingers, lifting the arm, making coordinated movements and controlling the arm. Typically, as the nerves heal, your child will develop more strength and dexterity. Between three and four months, clear improvements should be visible, although the patient may experience some residual weakness.
If a baby does not appear to be recovering from a brachial plexus birth injury, a more thorough evaluation may be recommended. Surgery is one possible treatment, as is physical therapy. There is a rare chance of arm paralysis or permanent poor motor control due to nerve injury. The arm may also develop unevenly, remaining smaller than the unaffected arm until it has a chance to recover.
The prognosis for a baby with a brachial plexus birth injury is difficult to estimate, which can be frustrating for parents. Doctors may talk about their own experiences with the injury and may have recommendations for specialists and counselors for their patients to see, but ultimately every case is different. It is difficult to predict when a case will resolve on its own and when a case will require more intervention. The best early treatment is careful observation, paying close attention to any signs that indicate an increase in severity or the development of new symptoms.