Meditation causes changes in the brain, including altered brain wave characteristics, physical thickening of certain parts of the cortex, and reduced activity in the amygdala. Regular practice can lead to the formation of new pathways in the brain and a reduction in chronic ailments.
Several changes occur in the brain during meditation. Scientists have used magnetic resonance imaging, or magnetic resonance imaging, to determine exactly how meditation affects the brain. Brain wave characteristics are altered, portions of the cortex physically thicken, the amygdala is less active, and the hippocampus becomes more active. With regular mediation practice, some of these changes remain even after leaving the meditative state.
Electrical activity changes dramatically in the brain during meditation. Beta waves, at approximately 15-30 cycles per second, decrease considerably during meditation. They are involved in logical thinking, dialogue, and many, if not most, of life’s day-to-day activities. Theta waves, between 4 and 7 cycles per second, are associated with daydreaming, high creativity, and meditative states. They increase during meditation.
Cycling at 7 to 13 cycles per second, alpha brainwaves are present during relaxed states and signal the absence of stress or anxiety. Alpha waves increase in the brain during meditation. Since these waves contribute to the ability to learn new information, meditating over a period of weeks or months will increase the practitioner’s ability to absorb new information.
A person who meditates is in a very focused, alert and deeply peaceful state. Breathing and heart rate slow down and blood pressure drops. The practitioner’s attention turns inward and there are very specific changes that occur in the brain during meditation. The cortex, which is the brain’s reasoning center where self-awareness, emotion, and logic live, largely shuts down. Instead, the parts of the prefrontal cortex and right anterior insula that are involved in processing sensory information and noting down details physically thicken due to a widening of blood vessels.
Stress isn’t just unpleasant; physically changes the brain causing the neurons in the hippocampus to shrink in size. The hippocampus is that part of the brain that enables memory, contributes to a sense of well-being, and supports learning. Through long-term meditation, stress reduction causes the hippocampus itself to rebuild. Not only does the hippocampus gain brain matter, but the amygdala, the part of the brain that handles anger, pain and anxiety, shrinks during meditation. This gives stress and unpleasant emotions a double whammy.
Meditation literally has the power to rewire the brain. People who struggle with depression, have anger issues, or suffer from anxiety attacks can, through a focused meditation practice, create new, healthier habits of thinking and feeling, and actually form new pathways in the brain. A healthy brain also contributes to a healthy body. Researchers have noted that people who participate in regular meditation over an extended period of time are less likely to suffer from chronic ailments. For those who do, discomfort is minimized through meditation.