The Byzantine Catholic Church is part of the Eastern Orthodox Church and follows the religious practices of the Orthodox Catholic Church. It is made up of seven distinct groups and uses the Byzantine Rite. The Pope is honored as the Patriarch of Rome but not superior to other patriarchs. The church has been influenced by Greek, Syrian, and Eastern cultures and has developed unique art styles. Differences exist between the Eastern and Western churches on religious dogma, but both are part of the wider Catholic Church.
The Byzantine Catholic Church is part of the wider Catholic Church. Historically, the Christian Church was divided into two halves, the Western Church and the Eastern Church. Politically and culturally, these divisions mirrored the earlier divisions of the Roman Empire. The Byzantine Catholic Church is part of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Byzantine Catholics are made up of seven distinct groups and follow the ritual, or religious practices, of the Orthodox Catholic Church.
As citizens, Byzantine Catholics were ruled by successive emperors of the Eastern Roman Empire. Spiritually, they are governed by their Patriarch seated in Constantinople. The Patriarch is a father of the church and one of its recognized spiritual authorities. The Pope is honored as the Patriarch of Rome, one equal to but not superior to the other patriarchs of the Catholic Church.
Historically, the Western church was centered on Rome, both in language and culture. Latin was the language of liturgical, or public, cult and religious ceremonies. The Byzantine Orthodox Church was centered in Constantinople and Greek was the liturgical language. Due to its great distance from Rome, the Byzantine Catholic Church was most influenced by Greek, Syrian and Eastern cultures. Made up of seven different groups, the liturgies are performed in the languages of the members of the groups.
For example, Melkites living in Syria and Egypt use a mixture of Arabic and Greek liturgically. Romanian Byzantine Catholics, who live mainly in Transylvania, use their own language for all liturgical services. All seven groups use the Byzantine Rite, which refers to the divine office. These are duties performed for God. They include the recitation of certain prayers at set times by priests, clerics and religious. The meaning of orthodox is “righteous believer” and any Catholic Christian who follows the Byzantine Rite is considered Orthodox.
The Roman emperor Constantine, after whom Constantinople, now Istanbul, took its name, had wanted to found a “New Rome”. One legacy he left was a schism within the Catholic Church that still exists today. The Popes of the past did not recognize the Patriarch of Constantinople. However, Constantine was very powerful and always managed to keep one there. Today the Byzantine Catholic Church does not recognize the pope as the supreme religious authority, but as the patriarch of the church among equals.
The Byzantine Catholic Church, under its rich and varied cultural influences, became very different from the Roman Catholic Church. Byzantine art blended ecclesiastical and oriental influences to create previously unseen religious designs. Animals were used symbolically in religious art. Dragons and birds with human heads decorated in stained glass. Winged lions gathered reading sacred books adorn the arches and walls.
Differences have evolved between the Eastern and Western churches on religious dogma. A Catholic doctrine still remains consistent. Neither half constitutes a church, and each is a part of the whole.